Automatic translate
с 27 Мая
по 5 ИюляГРАУНД “Ходынка”
ул. Ирины Левченко, 2
On May 27, 2015, in the galleries of the GRAND “Sandy” and GRUND “Khodynka” associations “Exhibition Halls of Moscow” the opening of the exhibition “In Search of the Lost Sound. Noise and Synthesis. "
The exhibition tells the story of the development of electronic music and the role of Russia in the formation of world music technology.
The period of the 1910s - early 1930s was probably the most fruitful time in the history of sound experimentation in Russia. Theremin, noise orchestras, ornamental and paper sound, computational methods for synthesizing sound, are just some of the Soviet experiments in the field of musical technology, the pioneers of which are artists, actors, filmmakers and poets, who created concepts and methods that were decades ahead of time and could become the foundation future technology and culture.
The revolutionary utopias of the 1920s are being replaced by the new realities of the totalitarian era of the 1930s and 1940s. The elimination of independent creative associations, the tightening of censorship and repression lead to the complete cessation of innovation and experiment by the end of the 1940s. Everything talented, which, contrary to circumstances, was created in the era of Stalin, owes its origin to the preceding time. Living in the cultural and informational isolation of the USSR of the 1970s, designers are copying successful Western technologies. The irony of history lies in the fact that a significant part of these technologies owes its appearance to the Russian emigration and, not least, to the ideas of inventors who made a cultural breakthrough in the revolutionary 1920s, almost unknown in the world and completely forgotten in Russia, so until today and failed to take advantage of any of the brilliant technical solutions born by single creators.
The exposition is opened in two independent directions: “NOISE” (GRUND “Sandy”) - the art of sound and noise music and “SYNTHESIS” (GRUND “Khodynka”) - sound synthesis technology and the first synthesizers.
The “Noise” exhibition for the first time provides a panoramic picture of noise culture until the period when noise has become both the language of new academic music and experimental rock music. The exhibition will present all the surviving artifacts of the noise of Atlantis - samples of instruments and their reconstructions, documents, photographs, notes, rare motion pictures.
Among the most significant revolutions in the art of the 20th century, noise culture occupies a special place - it connects layers of folk and circus traditions, theater and avant-garde music, early jazz and proletarian amateur performances, musical invention and applied sound production of plays and cinema. These and other lines of noise art fancifully crossed in the first half of the century, but were still not represented in all their diversity.
The Synthesis exposition is dedicated to the history of sound synthesis technologies, the world’s first synthesizers, opening with a section by Leo Theremin - the Soviet inventor of the Theremin electronic musical instrument. The section of electronic musical instruments is devoted to devices created in the USSR and Europe under the influence of the ideas of Theremin. In the graphic sound section, it will be possible to familiarize yourself with the unique invention of our compatriots - the graphic sound method based on the creation of artificial graphics for the soundtrack of a movie. The synthesizer section includes sections dedicated to the inventor Robert Mug, who began his career with the construction of the Theremin, John Appleton and the first Synclavier digital synthesizer, Peter Zinoviev, the grandson of Princess Sophia Dolgoruky, the creator of the legendary Synthi 100 synthesizer. All of the original instruments presented here are valid and will be on display throughout the exhibition.
Exhibition “In Search of the Lost Sound. Noise and Synthesis ”is a continuation of a series of expositions“ Generation Z ”. It is based on tools and documents from private collections and archives of researchers, relatives and friends of inventors: Marina Sholpo, John Appleton, Roman Degtyarev, Peter Zinoviev, Robert Mug, Sergey Zorin, Alexander Pleninger, Andrei Bochko, Lidiya Kavina, Andrei Smirnov, Center funds electro-acoustic music of the Moscow State Conservatory and prepared by the "Music Laboratory" with the support of the Polytechnic Museum.
The exhibition will be held from May 27 to July 5, 2015.
GRUND Sandy. Moscow, st. Novopeschanaya, 23/7, metro Sokol
GRUND Khodynka. Moscow, st. Irina Levchenko, 2, metro Oktyabrskoe Pole
GRUND “Khodynka” and “Sandy” - two exhibition spaces included in the Association “Exhibition Halls of Moscow”, created on the initiative of the Department of Culture of the city. GRUND is a living experiment focused on cross-disciplinary projects related to modern visual art in symbiosis with experimental theater, music and literature, as well as projects created at the intersection of art and technology. Directions Ground Khodynka - New Media, Laboratory for Sound Culture, Video Art, Science-art, Residental Program. Directions Garund Peschanaya - Installations, Experimental Theater, Performance, Public Art, Music and Literature.
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