Frida Kahlo (1907-1954)
1907,1954Frida Kahlo is the world-famous Mexican artist, more than half of her works is self-portraits.

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Self-portraits of Frida Kahlo
Frida Kahlo is the world-famous Mexican artist, more than half of her works is self-portraits. She began to paint at age 18, after being hit in a terrible accident. Her body was badly damaged: damaged spine, broken pelvis, collarbone, ribs, only one leg was eleven fractures. Life of Frida cheerful in the balance, but the young girl was able to win, and in this, oddly enough, she helped drawing. Even in the hospital room before it put a big mirror and Frida painted herself.
Almost all self-portraits Frida Kahlo portrayed themselves serious, somber, as if frozen and cold with a straight face harsh, but all the emotions and spiritual experiences of the artist, you can feel it in the surrounding details and figures. Each of the paintings keeps the feelings experienced Frida at a time. With the help of a self-portrait she seemed to try to understand themselves, unleash your inner peace, free from the raging inside her passions.
The artist was a wonderful man with a great force of will, who loves life and knows how to enjoy boundless love. A positive attitude towards the world and surprisingly subtle sense of humor attracted to her all kinds of people. Many tried to get into her "Blue House" with walls the color indigo, recharge the optimism, which is fully possessed girl.
Frida Kahlo self-portrait painted in each invested by their nature, all experienced mental anguish, the pain of loss and genuine willpower, none of them, she does not smile. The artist depicts himself always strict and serious. Betrayal of her beloved husband, Diego Rivera, Frida suffered a very difficult and painful. Written at that time self-portraits literally permeated with suffering and pain. However, despite all the trials of fate, the artist was able to leave behind more than two hundred paintings, each of which is unique.
COMMENTS: 20 Ответы
Художница, как мне видится, больна; весьма вероятен МДП.
Почему Сальвадор Дали имеет право на существование, а Фрида Кало нет? Почему она сразу больная? Смотрите на ее картины с точки зрения сюрреализма.
кто читал ее биографию или смотрел фильм поймут почему именно так она все изображает в своих картинах. Каждая картина часть ее жизни. А жизнь у нее была очень сложная, но она жила и верила что все будет хорошо) Она великий человек)
Я хотела бы узнать у вас, как у человека, который интересуется творчеством Фриды
Если бы был создан небольшой анимационный ролик, связанный с Фридой, чтобы вы хотели увидеть в нем?
Я хотела бы узнать у вас, как у человека, который интересуется творчеством Фриды
Если бы был создан небольшой анимационный ролик, связанный с Фридой, чтобы вы хотели увидеть в нем?
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