Feast of the Rosary Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528)
Albrecht Dürer – Feast of the Rosary
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Painter: Albrecht Dürer
Location: National Gallery, Prague (Národní Galerie).
Before you is Albrecht Dürer’s most recognizable work, on which the artist worked for several years in Italy. The San Bartholomew Church for German parishioners living in Italy commissioned this pictorial work from Dürer, who was extremely popular at the time. In his private correspondence with his acquaintance Dürer wrote about the growing trend of using bright colors and rich tones. That is why he tried to surpass the popular painters of his time and in his work he embody all the fashions of the time; that is why the painting is full of vivid colors and the atmosphere of the painting is incredibly lively and dynamic, making it truly festive.
Description of Albrecht Dürer’s painting The Feast of the rosary
Before you is Albrecht Dürer’s most recognizable work, on which the artist worked for several years in Italy. The San Bartholomew Church for German parishioners living in Italy commissioned this pictorial work from Dürer, who was extremely popular at the time.
In his private correspondence with his acquaintance Dürer wrote about the growing trend of using bright colors and rich tones. That is why he tried to surpass the popular painters of his time and in his work he embody all the fashions of the time; that is why the painting is full of vivid colors and the atmosphere of the painting is incredibly lively and dynamic, making it truly festive. In the same correspondence Dürer noted his fears over the envy of local artists and said he worried he might be poisoned, sensing the attention growing around him.
The painting’s subject is based on the Dominican custom of friars who used wooden rosaries in administering sacraments and prayers. Unlike other peoples’ paraphernalia, the Dominicans used rosaries colored in contrasting white and red. Traditionally, white in the culture symbolized the joy of the Virgin Mary, red the suffering of Christ. The Virgin Mary sits on a towering throne, trimmed with green fringe, with the infant Jesus.
The prayers kneel before the throne, bowing their heads in humility. Two figures in prayer are depicted before the Virgin Mary: Pope Julius II, the head of the clergy (left) and Emperor Maximilian the First and his entourage (right). All those assembled on this day were honored to receive wreaths of roses.
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COMMENTS: 4 Ответы
Спасибо авторам художественной галереи за возможность увидеть шедевры мирового искусства!!! Пожелание : публиковать название картин.
На этой картине Альбрехт Дюрер изобразил себя. Попробуйте найти ;-)
Автопортрет на заднем плане возле дерева справа с мужчиной в берете. Альбрехт типа в халате с тёмными полосами на рукава. Держит в руках некий лист бумаги или свиток с текстом.
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The picture has something of this: saint, god, book, holy, Renaissance, virgin, spirituality, religious, people, Mary, miracle, prayer, aura, worship, cross, Apostle.
Perhaps it’s a painting of a group of people with a baby in the middle of a painting.