Worldwide 23.05.2024 26.09.2020 automatic translate
23.05.2024 The story seems incredible. On Wednesday, May 22, police announced that a search had uncovered a large number of works of art (at least 92, according to new information released on Thursday, May 23) that were stolen between 2009 and 2013 from the vaults of the Sandelin Museum in Saintes -Omer, Pas-de-Calais (Hautes-France), as well as from nearby churches.
14.05.2024 Could her dual knowledge allow her to solve this long-standing mystery?
14.05.2024 Opinions are divided on how disruptive the shutdown could be. Information shared by Artnet News.
27.04.2024 The Mona Lisa could be given a new dedicated room in the museum’s attempt to improve the "world’s most disappointing" viewing experience of its main attraction.
23.04.2024 The painting "Woman Begging with Two Children," by an unknown artist known as the "Master of Blue Jeans," appears to depict a denim skirt in 17th-century Italy.
10.04.2024 The collaborator exhibited his work at Munich’s Pinakothek for Contemporary Art "in the hope of achieving a breakthrough."
04.04.2024 French bailiffs seized more than 100 avant-garde works from an art laboratory in Paris in February after suspecting they had been stolen from a private collector.
08.03.2024 Archaeologists have discovered an incredibly well-preserved fresco in the ruins of Pompeii, a Roman city destroyed during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 BC. The poster-sized mural, whose colors appear as vibrant as the day it was painted, depicts the story of Phrixus and Helle, siblings from Greek mythology.
05.03.2024 Frida Kahlo Corporation (FKC) once again opposes the unauthorized commercialization of the artist’s image. On March 4, the company filed two lawsuits in Illinois District Court, alleging that a group of online sellers are counterfeiting its trademarks by selling Frida Kahlo products.
13.12.2023 A 17th-century Renaissance painting by Giuseppe Cesari is at the center of yet another controversy over school censorship.
04.07.2021 Researchers hope this technology will help organize exhibitions better, but creatives fear it will fuel a race for likes. If you smiled at Picasso in a museum but frowned at Pollock, new technology will soon be able to track your facial expressions to judge the artist’s popularity.
29.06.2021 ATHENS. Works by masters of the twentieth century, found almost a decade after a daring robbery in an Athenian gallery.
20.05.2021 Investing in digital art is one of the hot and talked about trends in the field of intellectual property.
01.05.2021 A last-minute intervention by the Spanish Ministry of Culture prevented the painting from being auctioned in Madrid, which is believed to be the work of the Italian master Caravaggio.
26.09.2020 The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York has posted on its Instagram a stunning set of images of their recent restoration project.