Worldwide 01.02.2025 10.04.2024
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Images from neural networks cannot be protected by copyright, US rules
01.02.2025 This decision would effectively remove protection for, for example, Jason Allen’s work "Théâtre D’opéra Spatial" ("Spatial Theatre"), created using a neural network.

Los Angeles artists mourn as studios and artwork go up in smoke
13.01.2025 Artists who lived and worked in Altadena and Pacific Palisades are concerned about the irreparable loss of their work and livelihoods.

New archaeological finds near Luxor
10.01.2025 Egypt has unveiled several finds near the famous city of Luxor, including ancient rock-cut tombs and burial shafts dating back 3,600 years.

Getty Images and Shutterstock to merge into $3.7 billion stock photo giant
07.01.2025 Getty Images said Tuesday it had agreed to merge with rival Shutterstock in a stock-purchase deal that

AI does not confirm Raphael’s authorship of part of the painting "Madonna with the Rose"
02.01.2025 The inconsistent style of depiction of St. John’s face in the Madonna of the Rose has been a subject of debate among art historians for years.

Artificial Intelligence Helped Discover 300 New Geoglyphs in the Nazca Desert
26.09.2024 Using an artificial intelligence (AI) system, a team of archaeologists has discovered in just a few months in the Nazca Desert (Peru) almost as many geoglyphs as were found in the entire last centuryThe large number of new figures allowed the researchers to identify two main types and offer an explanation for the possible reasons or functions that prompted their creators to draw them on the ground more than 2,000 years ago.

Amazing Finds Under the Burnt-Out Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris
18.09.2024 The terrible fire at Notre Dame on April 15, 2019, has led to some valuable discoveriesAs part of a major restoration effort, some fifty archaeologists from the company Inrap have been excavating beneath and around the cathedral for five years. At a press conference on Tuesday, September 17, the researchers revealed their impressive findings, which reveal 2,000 years of history.

Banksy’s ’Girl With Balloon’ Thieves Arrested in London
17.09.2024 The girl with the balloon flew away but returned unharmed. After three days of investigation, a copy of the famous work by street artist Banksy, stolen from a London art gallery on September 8, was found by police, and on September 11, two thieves were arrested.

Lightning Damages Arch of Constantine in Rome
09.09.2024 The gods of Olympus have struck! On Tuesday, September 3, in the afternoon, while a violent thunderstorm was raging over Rome, the Arch of Constantine (the largest of the three ancient triumphal arches remaining in the Italian capital, a marble treasure from the 4th century, located between the Colosseum and the Palatine, in the Selio district) was struck by lightning .

92 works of art stolen more than a decade ago are on display at a castle in Pas de Calais
23.05.2024 The story seems incredibleOn Wednesday, May 22, police announced that a search had uncovered a large number of works of art (at least 92, according to new information released on Thursday, May 23) that were stolen between 2009 and 2013 from the vaults of the Sandelin Museum in Saintes -Omer, Pas-de-Calais (Hautes-France), as well as from nearby churches.

Geologist and art historian claims to know where the Mona Lisa was painted
14.05.2024 Could her dual knowledge allow her to solve this long-standing mystery?

Experts comment on the cyber attack that caused Christie’s website to be down during major auction week
14.05.2024 Opinions are divided on how disruptive the shutdown could be. Information shared by Artnet News.

Mona Lisa could be moved to a separate underground room
27.04.2024 The Mona Lisa could be given a new dedicated room in the museum’s attempt to improve the "world’s most disappointing" viewing experience of its main attraction.

Did denim appear 200 years before Levi’s?
23.04.2024 The painting "Woman Begging with Two Children," by an unknown artist known as the "Master of Blue Jeans," appears to depict a denim skirt in 17th-century Italy.

A German art museum fired an employee for hanging his own painting in the gallery.
10.04.2024 The collaborator exhibited his work at Munich’s Pinakothek for Contemporary Art "in the hope of achieving a breakthrough."