Press-releases 18.02.2020 17.02.2020
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Exhibition of paintings by Kazan artist Oleg Ivanov
18.02.2020 On February 29, the Dom Art Gallery opens an exhibition of paintings by Kazan artist Oleg Ivanov. The artistic environment of Kazan discovered the work of Oleg Ivanov in the second half of the eighties, and even then he declared himself to be an original author, going his own way, free of official frames.
18.02.2020 As part of the cultural and educational project # Lenin150, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet political and statesman V.I. Lenin, in the Book Palace - the Ulyanovsk Regional Scientific Library named after V.I. Lenin starts the photo contest "OBJECTIVE Lenin".
Exhibition-study of contemporary jewelry on the theme of gender stereotypes and feminism. 18+
18.02.2020 Four organizers of the project (three of which are jewelry artists themselves) collected the work of more than 80 participants from around the world for a unique exhibition in terms of scale and composition of contemporary jewelry on the theme of gender stereotypes and feminism.
Exhibition "Fan Magic"
18.02.2020 February 13 at 16.00 in the Estate V.PSukachev (st. December Events, 112) opens the exhibition "Magic of the fan." The exposition includes European and Eastern fans of the XIX – XX centuries, as well as other household items from the funds of the Irkutsk Art Museum and private collections.
"Fatherland. History. Geography." Exhibition of works by Salavat Shcherbakov
18.02.2020 The Russian Academy of Arts presents an exhibition of works by the famous Russian sculptor, People’s Artist of Russia, academician and member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts, Professor Salavat Aleksandrovich Shcherbakov “Fatherland. History. Geography".
Igor Sanin. "With watercolors for life"
18.02.2020 February 14, 2019 at 17 o’clock in the exhibition hall of the House of Artists the opening of the anniversary personal exhibition of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Sanin Igor Aleksandrovich "With watercolors for life."
Denis Saunin. Abstract and Concrete 18+
18.02.2020 On February 13, the Erarta Museum opens to the public the first exhibition of the “flying artist” Denis Saunin, where visitors will see the embodiment of the abstract through the concrete.
Konstantin Sterkhov. Showcases 12+
18.02.2020 On February 13, the Erarta Museum opens to the public the exhibition "Showcases" of the famous St. Petersburg watercolor master Konstantin Sterkhov.
The best! Beloved ones! For you!
18.02.2020 March 8 is a holiday of spring, love and female beauty! However, this is not the only good event of the dayExactly 18 years ago, 6 talented guys and one girl got together and created the Bis-Quit group, which was destined to become famous throughout the world and become the owners of the title “Ambassador of Russian Culture”.
Exhibition-research "Tattoo"
18.02.2020 The exhibition was designed and implemented by the Museum on the Branly embankment in Paris.
Russell James Ten years behind the scenes of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show
18.02.2020 Erarta Museum presents an exhibition of an Australian photographer who collaborates with the magazines Vogue, American Photo, ELLE, GQ, Sports IllustratedHe owns world-famous portraits of Scarlett Johansson, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Halle Berry and Hugh Jackman.
Daria Nagayets "Colors of the planet you have not been to"
18.02.2020 From February 6 to 29, 2020, the debut solo exhibition of paintings and drawings by Daria Nagayets “Colors of the planet that you haven’t” will be exhibited at the “Mystetsvo Slobozhanshchini” gallery of the Kharkov regional organizational and methodological center of culture and artThe exhibition will feature paintings (acrylic) and graphic (etching, pastel) author’s works in the genre of abstraction, intuitive painting, own prose.
Photo exhibition "Witness of the time. Gennady Savkin"
18.02.2020 The Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts and the TSKhR present a new photo exhibition, “Witness of the Time. Gennady Savkin ”
Exhibition of Svetlana Shubnikova "Awakening"
17.02.2020 February 14 at 16.00 in the Gallery of Siberian Art (St. Karl Marx, 23) will open the personal exhibition of Svetlana Shubnikova "Awakening".
Ekaterina Kondrashina. "Wonderful country"
17.02.2020 From February 18 to 29, 2020, the annual educational creative project of the artist Ekaterina Kondrashina will be held in the halls of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts.