Press-releases 18.10.2019 07.10.2019
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"The house I live in ..." Exhibition of works by Yuri Abisalov
18.10.2019 The Russian Academy of Arts presents an exhibition of works by the Honored Artist of North Ossetia Alania, Honored Artist of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts Yuri Abisalov "The House I Live in..."The exhibition features 25 paintings by the author, performed in recent years.
18.10.2019 Yeltsin Center in conjunction with the Pushkin MuseumA.S. Pushkin presents an exhibition of leading world artists who, for one reason or another, left Russia at one time and created significant works in the genre of livre d’artiste. The exhibition features twenty-eight editions of the livre d’artiste of the fifteen major artists: Alexander Alekseev, Yuri Annenkov, Natalia Goncharova, Sonya Delaunay, Leon Zack, Maxim Cantor, Andrei Lansky, Ivan Lebedev, Victor Pivovarov, Serge Polyakov, Ivan Puni, Leopold Survage, Konstantin Tereshkovich, Osip Zadkin and Marc Chagall.
Maria and Philip Cossack "City Stories"
18.10.2019 Why City Stories? This is an exhibition about the city and the townspeople. Each city has its own big story, its inhabitants and the many small stories that people live in it.
"Bowing." Photo exhibition by Massimo Vichinanza
18.10.2019 The exhibition of the famous Italian photographer and journalist Massimo Vicinanza - "Lucania" opens at the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Russian Academy of Arts Gallery of Arts Zurab Tsereteli The exhibition was organized by the Russian Academy of Arts in cooperation with the Italian Embassy in Moscow, the National Agency for Tourism in Italy ENIT and the Institute of Italian Culture .
In the Tula region began accepting applications for the contest "Living Classics"
07.10.2019 On October 1, in 85 regions of Russia and more than 60 countries of the world, registration for the Living Classics International Competition for Young Readers began.
Exhibition of one painting "Vereisky Georgy Semenovich" Portrait of V.I. Mukhina ""
07.10.2019 On October 8, the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (104 Lenin St., main exposition) will open an exhibition of one painting, “Vereisky Georgy Semenovich“ Portrait of V. I. Mukhina ”.” To the 130th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Mukhina.
Exhibition "Masterpieces of the Kremlin workshops"
07.10.2019 The exhibition “Masterpieces of Kremlin workshops” in the Perm Art Gallery tells about court workshops that played a major role in the cultural and artistic life of Russia in the 17th centuryUnique monuments from the collection of the Moscow Kremlin Museums familiarize visitors with the diverse activities of the Kremlin workshops, covering almost all aspects of the life of the tsar’s court.
Exhibition by Alexander Vesnin "Landscape and still life of the Baikal region"
07.10.2019 October 4 at 16.00 in the Gallery of Siberian Art (Karl Marx St., 23) will open the personal exhibition of Alexander Fedorovich Vesnin "Landscape and Still Life of the Baikal Region", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the author.
"Magical Realism"
07.10.2019 The Russian Academy of Arts, the Togliatti Art Museum present an exhibition of works by the People’s Artist of the USSR and the Russian Federation, President of the Russian Academy of Arts, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli “Magical Realism”The exposition dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the artist will consist of works made in the technique of volumetric enamel, graphic sheets, sculpture.
Exhibition "Creativity as a Way of Life" (Chita)
07.10.2019 October 3 at 16.00 in the Gallery of Siberian Art (ul. Karl Marx, 23) will open the exhibition "Creativity as a Way of Life".
Exhibition "Shukhov. Formula of Architecture"
07.10.2019 The A.V. Shchusev State Museum of Architecture together with the Shukhov Tower Foundation presents an international exhibition project, Shukhov. The Formula of Architecture ”, dedicated to the heritage of the outstanding engineer and inventor Vladimir G. Shukhov (1853–1939).
Exposition project “Escape”
07.10.2019 The exhibition project “Escape” is a key event in the fall exhibition season of the Moscow gallery “InGallery”October 11 in the territory of Cube. Moscow will create a unique space for the interaction of artists of semiotically different types of arts: plastic (painting by Arseny Blinov and sculpture of Olga Muravina) and space-time (art group Fiction).
"Emil Kapelyush. The artist’s space"
07.10.2019 Emil Borisovich Kapelyush was born on July 26, 1954 in StPetersburg. In 1976 he graduated from the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography (class of the famous theater artist I. A. Ivanov). Scenographer, master of exhibition design, graphic artist, author of sculptures made of wood and metal.
Personal exhibition of Rinat Zufarovich Harisov
07.10.2019 October 10, 2019 at 16.00 in the National Art Gallery of the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan, the Kremlin, the Khazine Museum Complex, 3rd entrance) will open the personal exhibition of the Honored Artist of Russia and Bashkortostan Rinat Zufarovich Harisov.
Vera Zelinskaya. MY LIFE IS A MOVIE
07.10.2019 The project was implemented using a grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Fund