Press-releases 06.09.2019 06.09.2019
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Exhibition "Eduard Gorokhovsky. Unlimited Space"
06.09.2019 EDUARD Semenovich GOROKHOVSKY (1929, Vinnitsa, now Ukraine - 2004, Frankfurt / M, Germany). A classic of Moscow conceptualism, the founder of the domestic “photo-based art”. A piece of paper, a canvas, the master called - "my limitless space."
Exhibition Farita Valiullina "I tell you about love, my people ..."
06.09.2019 September 6, 2019 at 16 o’clock in the National Art Gallery of the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan, the Kremlin, the Khazine Museum Complex, 3rd entrance) will open the personal exhibition of Farit Valiullin “I tell you my love about love...”
Exhibition "On the Way to Infinity"
06.09.2019 September 6, 2019 at 5 p.m. at the National Art Gallery of the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan, the Kremlin, the Khazine Museum Complex, 3rd entrance), the opening of the exhibition “On the Way to Infinity”, dedicated to the pages of the history of the Tatar people, will be held
"Masterpieces of Russian painting from the collection of the personal collections department of the Pushkin Museum named after A.S. Pushkin"
06.09.2019 A. Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts and A. Kursk State Art Gallery
"Bookplates, autographs, inscripts ..." Book exhibition dedicated to the 170th anniversary of V.P. Sukachev
06.09.2019 Since September 6, in the main building of the Irkutsk Art Museum. V.P.
06.09.2019 September 12, 2019 Thu / Rachmaninoff Hall, 19.00
Exhibition "Pushkin Places"
06.09.2019 “Remember, draw before me the magical places where I live with my soul...” A.S. Pushkin
Opening of the monument to D.D.Shostakovich by Z.K. Tsereteli in Samara
06.09.2019 On September 7, 2019 at 17:00 in Samara, the grand opening of the monument to D. D. Shostakovich created by the People’s Artist of the USSR and Russia, President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli will be held.
Sabirov Alfiz. "AYU BALA"
06.09.2019 With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Marjani Foundation (Moscow), on September 5, 2019 at 16 o’clock in the National Art Gallery of the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan, the Kremlin, the Khazine Museum Complex, 3rd entrance) exhibition of sculpture by Alfiz Sabirov "Ayu Ball"
New exhibition space of the Moscow Museum: from the compass of architect Shukhov to the Moskvich car
06.09.2019 On City Day, a free exposition, “Museum of Moscow. Reference point ”is a detailed story about the formation of the museum and its role in the life of the capital.
Lyudmila Tabolina. POLYCHROMIA. The photo
06.09.2019 The proposed project presents photographs processed by the polychrome method.
New Theater Season: Predators Ready for the Hunt!
06.09.2019 At once in two cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg - the premiere of the musical and dramatic performance "Predators" based on the novel by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov "Drama on the Hunt."
"All life is a game ..."
06.09.2019 The Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (104 Lenin St., exhibition hall) will host an exhibition dedicated to the year of the theater in Russia, "All life is a game...". Theatrical sketches of V.V. Popov (1907 - 1960) from the funds of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts.
Alexey Varsopko. On the other hand
06.09.2019 The exhibition will present conceptual objects from used corrugated cardboard with varying degrees of artistic intervention.
Exhibition "City and Man"
06.09.2019 From "02" to "September 20", 2019, the City and Man exhibition is held at the Moscow House of Nationalities. The exhibitors are contemporary artists, members of the Painting section of the Creative Union of Russian Artists.