Press-releases 26.10.2018 23.10.2018
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Architects of dreams. Video art and installations. XVI International Festival of Animation Arts "Multivision"
26.10.2018 The festival "Multivision" continues the study of animation as a fine art. For the eighth year in the festival competition, there has been a nomination for “Best Video Installation”, created specifically for animated works that are closer to a “live” picture, sculpture or decoration, rather than to a movie.
"Elizabeth Boehm’s Magic Brush"
26.10.2018 February 24th marks the 175th anniversary of the birth of Elizabeth Boehm, an original artist of the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.
In the Ulyanovsk region is a unique regional project "Days of Mordovian culture"
26.10.2018 The events started on October 22 at the V.I. Lenin Ulyanovsk Regional Scientific Library as part of the Concept for the Implementation of State National Policy until 2025.
Socio-cultural project "Development of Belyaevo." The development of local territory by means of culture
26.10.2018 The project of the Belyaevo Gallery of the Exhibition Halls of Moscow Association for the Development of Local Territory by means of culture was one of the winners of the new Museum 4. 0 contest of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation’s charity program Museum Without Borders in the New Challenges nomination.
"The publication". Exhibition of works by Omar Chkhaidze. Painting
26.10.2018 On November 13, 2018, in the exhibition halls of the Russian Academy of Arts (Prechistenka 21), an exhibition of paintings by the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts, a member of the International Association of Fine Arts of AIAP UNESCO Omar Chkhaidze will openThe exposition of the retrospective exhibition will include 25 works by the artist, created at different periods of his creative life.
"Festival of Light 2018"
26.10.2018 From November 3 to 5, the “Festival of Light 2018” will be held in StPetersburg. This year it will be special: along with the CCM venue, where the main action of the festival of light will unfold and the drone show will take place, the territory of Victory Park will also be involved, where more than 30 different light installations will be mounted.
Night of Arts at the Irkutsk Art Museum
26.10.2018 The All-Russian action "Night of Arts" will be held on November 3 and 4 at the Irkutsk Art Museum. As in previous years, the slogan of events is “Art unites”, and the action itself is dedicated to the national holiday - National Unity Day, celebrated in Russia since 2005.
Exhibition "Breakthrough"
23.10.2018 November 28, 2018 the company "Takeda" in conjunction with MGHPA themS.G. Stroganova and the Ekaterina Culture Foundation will present the Breakthrough exhibition project. Laureates of the international creative competition among students of universities and art schools “Takeda.
The sparkle of the game and the magic of music. "" Night of the Arts "at the Book Palace
23.10.2018 On November 4, from 18.00 to 21.00, visitors to the Book Palace will have a unique opportunity to take a fresh look at the main scientific library of the Ulyanovsk Region.
Exhibition "Virtual Realism 1.0"
23.10.2018 An innovative exhibition project by masters of digital art technology is opened in the Nagornaya gallery of the Moscow Exhibition Halls Association with the support of the Creative Union of Russian Artists and the Visart Foundation for the Development of Visual Art.
Musical Duel Essay Quintet & Olympic Brass
23.10.2018 November 10 at 19 hours in the Concert Hall "Coliseum" (Nevsky Prospect, 100) will begin "Musical duel. Essay Quintet & Olimpic Brass. " Music lovers are waiting for a stylish creative show, amazing in sound and virtuosity of performance.
Chamber music evening "Hommage à ..." *
23.10.2018 October 28 at 19:00 The coming evening could be called an offering to the great romanticsIt combines the piano ensembles of Robert Schuman and Sergey Rachmaninov, as well as the contemporary composer Igor Reichelson, who is rightly called one of the leading contemporary neo-romantic composers.
Exhibition "BEAUTY"
23.10.2018 Organizers: WIZART Visual Arts Development Assistance Foundation, Creative Union of Russian Artists, Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts with financial support from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.
"Music in Plastic"
23.10.2018 October 25 at 16-00 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 103. second floor) will open the exhibition "Music in Plastic" from the private collection of collector Marina Nazarova.
Exhibition Silvio Cattani / Andrey Volkov "Between the Sign and the Painting. Amarcord", 0+
23.10.2018 In the Moscow exhibition hall "Gallery A3" opens a joint Russian-Italian project "Between the Sign and the Painting. Amarcord. " It is represented by artists Andrei Volkov (Moscow) and Silvio Cattani (Rovereto).