Press-releases 24.08.2018 14.08.2018
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Vocal Concert Black-eyed Cossack
24.08.2018 September 8, 3 p.m.
Screening of the film "Dovlatov". 10+
24.08.2018 September 6, 18.00.
24.08.2018 September 8, 11:00 - 19:00.
24.08.2018 September 5 at 13:00.
Flow 2018 Festival hosts 84,000 guests and opens ticket sales for 2019
24.08.2018 The Music and Visual Arts Festival Flow ended in Helsinki on August 12th. Already today, a limited batch of tickets for the early bird category for 2019 has gone on sale.
Exhibition of Vladimir Shapovalov
24.08.2018 On August 16, in the “Attic of Artists” exhibition of Vladimir Shapovalov opens. Born in the Krasnodar Territory, the artist regularly visited the Tretyakov Gallery, read through Repin’s memoirs, and from childhood knew that he wanted to connect his life with art.
Exhibition "David Burliuk. A Word to Me!"
14.08.2018 From October 4, 2018 to January 27, 2019, the Museum of Russian Impressionism will present the exhibition “DAVID BURLYUK. WORD TO ME! ” The exposition will include more than 50 works by the artist from 14 state museums and private collections.
Exhibition-Installation "Anatomy of Cubism"
14.08.2018 Venue: Main building (hall №31) August 30 at the Pushkin MuseumA.S. Pushkin exhibition-installation "Anatomy of Cubism" will open. It will provide an opportunity for the general public to get acquainted for the first time with the history of the birth of one of the main artistic movements of the twentieth century - Cubism (1907–1923) - “apparently the most important and, of course, the most complete and radical artistic revolution since the Renaissance,” wrote in her monograph “ Cubism ”British historian John Golding.
International exhibition project "Assumed Other - Chaos Metaphor" (Austria, Germany, Japan, Russia)
14.08.2018 On August 17 at 16.00 in the Gallery of Siberian Art (K. Marx St., 23) the international exhibition “Assumed Another is a Metaphor of Chaos” opens.
"Intergraphics: Kazan-Vercelli"
14.08.2018 On August 13, 2018 at 18.00 in the exhibition hall of the Moscow Union of Artists (Starosadsky Lane, Building 5) the international art exhibition "Intergraphics: Kazan-Vercelli" opens, in which artists from Russia, Italy and Poland participate, presenting works created using various techniques printed graphics (etching, aquatint, color woodcut, etc.)The curator of the project is Alexander Artamonov (Kazan), an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts, head of the NTO Grafkom.
Exhibition of Vitaly Rudzit "Kaleidoscope of Revelations"
14.08.2018 Hot August and sunny September are the most suitable times to get acquainted with the joyful painting of a young artist who was born in Pyatigorsk and brought with him the sun and southern relaxationOn August 10, in the “Attic of Artists” an exhibition of Vitaliy Rudzit’s amazing summer paintings opens.
"Birds, hares, foxes and others ..."
14.08.2018 August 17 at 16-00 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts will open the exhibition of animal works from the collection of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts "Birds, hares, foxes and others...".
Exhibition of Israeli artists "Love Only"
14.08.2018 In order to promote and develop creative cooperation between Russia and Israel, the Artefice Gallery and the Art Unlimited charity association will present in StPetersburg the joint international creative project Love Only, which will give viewers a wonderful opportunity to get acquainted with the work of contemporary Israeli artists.
In Kaliningrad, a monument to the Pregolsky Som was erected
14.08.2018 The sculpture of the Pregolis catfish at the Vysoky bridge was inaugurated on August 10 by the deputy head of the Kaliningrad administration, chairman of the architecture and construction committee Arthur Krupin, general director of ABZ-DORSTROY companies Leonid GindinThey gave the right to cut the symbolic ribbon to the young Kaliningrader Petr Zoroastrov, the winner of last year’s children’s competition for the best idea of the monument to the Pregolite inhabitant, discovered by divers during an examination of the towers of the High Bridge before its reconstruction.
Pioneers of American Modernism
14.08.2018 The Lumiere Brothers Photography Center for the first time opens the name of the outstanding American architectural photographer of the 20th century, Ezra Stoller, to the Russian public.