Press-releases 02.08.2018 25.07.2018
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"City Chimeras." Painting by Alexander Alkhovsky. 16+
02.08.2018 Painting by Alexander Alkhovsky from the twentieth centuryThe artist’s works read a very personal, but very characteristic for Soviet artists, experience of the art of modernism. Alexander Alkhovsky son of a teacher at the Institute. I.E. Repin David Alkhovsky, a student of Isaac Brodsky and contemporary Pavel Filonov.
Traveling around the World Theater. Exhibition of Dieter M. Weidenbach. 18+
02.08.2018 The Erart Museum presents a retrospective exhibition of the German artist Dieter M. Weidenbach.
Music festival "Designed for listening"
02.08.2018 August 11 at the Museum of Moscow in the space of the exhibition "Youth" uniforms "of Moscow" will be held the music festival "Intended for listening."
IPort Festival. Music Technology Festival
02.08.2018 25-th of August from 13.00 to 23.00 Port of Sevcable. Saint Petersburg, Leather line, 40 The last weekend of summer in St. Petersburg will host the city festival of contemporary music, sports and modern technology, the iPort Festival. For the first time, the iPort Apple Premium Reseller will host a massive open-air event.
"Contemporary Russian engraving"
02.08.2018 August 3 at 16-00 in the exhibition hall of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (104 Lenin St.) will open the exhibition "Contemporary Russian Engraving". From the funds of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts.
"Intergraphics: Kazan-Vercelli"
30.07.2018 On August 9, 2018 at 16 o’clock in the Khazine National Art Gallery of the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan Kremlin, 3rd entrance) the international art exhibition “Intergraphics: Kazan-Vercelli” will open, in which artists from Russia, Italy participate and Poland, presenting works created in a variety of printing techniques (etching, aquatint, color woodcut, etc.) .
Exhibition "An artist thinks with a drawing"
30.07.2018 From August 2 to 26, 2018, over 80 works of art by Russian authors will be presented as part of the exhibition “An Artist Thinks with a Pattern”. Among them: V.I. Andrushkevich, I.N. Vorobyova, T.N. Skorodumova, V.S. Klimashin, M.Kh. Gorshman, R.S. Boim and others.
30.07.2018 On September 25-30, 2018, in Moscow, in the Ivanovo Hall of the Russian State Library, there will be a Salon of High Art and Design - the only event of its kind combining fine arts, the latest design achievements and jewelery products.
"River of times." Valery and Vitaly Skobeev.
30.07.2018 The exhibition of paintings "The River of Times" is dedicated to the work of two distinctive artists who are not alike, father and son - Valery Nikolaevich and Vitaliy Valerevich Skobeev, for whom 2018 was an anniversary.
"Music over the city." Exhibition of works by Andrey Volkov
30.07.2018 In the exhibition halls of the Russian Academy of Arts (Prechistenka 21), an exhibition of paintings by Andrei Volkov, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts, will take place.
Exhibition "Trusted Chronicler of the era: on the 100th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Solzhenitsyn"
30.07.2018 On August 15, a documentary exhibition opens in the Nagornaya gallery of the Moscow Exhibition Halls Association, dedicated to the 100th birthday of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, writer, thinker, playwright, publicist, poet, public and political figure.
Exhibition "Leonid and Olga Tikhomirov. Unity - in dissimilarity"
30.07.2018 On August 3, in the Theater Salon on Tversky Boulevard, the exhibition “Leonid and Olga Tikhomirov. Unity is in dissimilarity. ” The exhibition will present selected works written by artists both jointly and separately over more than 35 years of joint activity.
Exhibition of graphics by Pablo Picasso "Paragraphs"
30.07.2018 August 1 at 16.00 in the Estate V.PSukachev will open the exhibition of graphics by Pablo Picasso "Paragraphs", organized in conjunction with the exhibition space "Art Bank" (St. Petersburg). The exhibition includes the work of the main stages of the master’s work: early period, blue period, analytical and synthetic cubism, sketches for the famous work “Guernica”, as well as later work.
Exhibition "Theater Illusion". On the 200th anniversary of the opening of the Gonzaga Theater in Arkhangelsk "
25.07.2018 August 8 at the Main House of the Theater Museum. A.A. Bakhrushin opens the exhibition "Theater Illusion", dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the opening of the Gonzaga Theater in Arkhangelsk and organized jointly with the State Museum-Estate "Arkhangelsk".
Russian Song Theater opens Nadezhda Babkina’s Puppet Museum
25.07.2018 The grand opening of the Puppet Museum will take place on September 1 in the building of the Small Stage of the Russian Song Theater on Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya StreetOn this day, a unique collection of more than 100 dolls will be presented, which the artistic director of the theater Nadezhda Babkina collected over 40 years of her creative work.