Press-releases 09.07.2018 06.07.2018
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Quiet life
09.07.2018 Central House of Artists, Krymsky Val, 10 2 floor, 11 hall Anemones, mackerel, jars with spices, pumpkins and pears, old irons and teapots, garlic heads, backpacks and women’s shoes..Only an artist is able to separate the real world from the context of life, show the amazing significance and beauty of small objects, such, it seems, ordinary and routine.
Black and white photo exhibition of children and family photography
06.07.2018 From July 6 to July 13, the All-Russian black and white photo exhibition of children and family photography, organized by the St. Petersburg creative association M.
Amber: between East and West
06.07.2018 From July 6 to November 5, the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art will host an exhibition of works by participants in the contest "Amber: between East and West", which is held by the Moscow State Art and Industry Academy named after
"Very human." Exhibition of works by Oleg Zakomorny. Sculpture, graphics
06.07.2018 July 10, 2018 at 16.00 in the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts (Prechistenka, 21), the grand opening of the exhibition of works of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts Oleg Georgievich Zakomorny, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the author, will take place .
Exhibition of Vasily Igorevich Nesterenko "Russia. Historical and spiritual boundaries"
06.07.2018 July 15 at 11-00 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 103) the grand opening of the exhibition of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Vasily Igorevich Nesterenko “Russia. Historical and spiritual boundaries. ”
An exhibition of one work by A.E. Kulikov "Self-portrait" of 1948
06.07.2018 From July 28, the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (104 Lenin St., main exposition) will start an exhibition of one work by A.E. Kulikov "Self-portrait" of 1948.
Exhibition by Sergey Zhukov. Painting
06.07.2018 July 13 at 16-00 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (ul. Lenin, 103, second floor) will open the exhibition of Sergei Zhukov. Painting.
"Lidia Olshanetskaya (1924-1979). Painting. Graphics"
06.07.2018 July 7 at 14-00 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 103, second floor) will be the grand opening of the exhibition "Lydia Olshanetskaya (1924-1979). Painting. Graphic arts".
Exhibition "Warm Northern Baikal"
06.07.2018 In the Estate V.PSukacheva July 5 at 16.00 exhibition of art woodcarving "Warm North Baikal" opens. Its author Vladimir Kaurtsev has been working with wood for almost 40 years, and during this time he has created many amazing works on historical and ethnographic themes.
Bato Dugarzhapov. Open air wind
06.07.2018 From July 19 to August 5, the State Museum of the East and the Khanhalaev Gallery present an exhibition of works by contemporary Buryat artist Bato Dugarzhapov - “The Plein Air”.
Exhibition "Perm Icon. XXI Century"
06.07.2018 For the first time, the art gallery presents to the general public the work of the Perm icon-painting workshop “Dobro” at the Holy Trinity Stefan Monastery, as well as teachers and students of the icon-painting department of the Perm Theological Seminary.
Exhibition of Eva Arakcheeva "The Color of Psychotria on Mont Blanc"
06.07.2018 The project “The Color of Psychotria on Mont Blanc” is the result of the author observing his own perception of the most common, and sometimes everyday objects, objects, situations. The main question that is being bracketed is: “Is the world around me logical?”
Art installation in Bali near Potato Head Beach Club
06.07.2018 With the help of art, you can raise acute problems and convey important ideas to society, showing them from a different angle. One example of such socially significant art is the new installation, opened at the entrance to the Potato Head Beach Club on the island of Bali, Indonesia.
"Treasure Island"
06.07.2018 June 30 in the gallery "On Kashirka" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" opens an exhibition of the creative association of St. Petersburg artists "Guild of Textile Workers" "Treasure Island".
"Within the black square." Photo exhibition of Boris Sysoev
06.07.2018 July 24, 2018 in the exhibition halls of the Russian Academy of Arts (Prechistenka 21) will open a unique exhibition of works by a member of the Moscow Union of Artists, Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, photographer Boris Grigoryevich Sysoev - “Within the Black Square”.