Press-releases 27.04.2018 27.04.2018
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Bashmet Festival in Yaroslavl invites you to a musical trip to Europe
27.04.2018 The 10th International Music Festival, under the artistic direction of the outstanding musician Yuri Bashmet, will be held from May 1 to May 9, 2018 in Yaroslavl.
Personal exhibition of Alexander Zagoskin "Mythology"
27.04.2018 “Atmosphere managers” are so often called movie artistsAnd these are not empty words. The ability to translate quite specific feelings and experiences into the language of pictorial and graphic forms, to create the emotions necessary for the design through the refined play of lines, contours, light and shadow, various color schemes - this is the necessary set of a true master of his craft in this very rare profession.
"Two geniuses of dance"
27.04.2018 The exhibition project “Two geniuses of dance”, prepared by contemporary Moscow artist Alexander Chalovsky (graduate of the Moscow State Art and Industry Academy named after SG. Stroganov, member of the Creative Union of Russian Artists) together with Natella Voyskunskaya, curator and producer, director of the GRANI Foundation, art director of the ASTI gallery and co-curator Olga Leonova, is dedicated to two great dancers - Rudolf Nuriev and Mikhail Baryshnikov.
Tatarstan: Appear as a dream. Exhibition of Turkish photojournalist Lutfi Kupeli
27.04.2018 The exhibition was prepared with the support of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan by the Knowledge Foundation and the mayor’s office of the capital city Adan of the Republic of TurkeyIt is dedicated to the memory of Andrei Karlov, a wonderful man and an outstanding diplomat who has done a lot to strengthen Russian-Turkish relations.
The image of St. George in the history and culture of the twentieth century. Exhibition dedicated to the main patron saint of Moscow
27.04.2018 The Museum of Moscow will open an exhibition dedicated to George the Victorious - one of the most beloved and revered Russian saints. The exhibition is dedicated to the Day of St. George the Victorious, which is celebrated on May 6.
Exhibition "... and, of course, football!"
27.04.2018 The Museum of Moscow will open an exhibition with the works of contemporary artists of the St. Petersburg school on sports topics in painting.
The death and salvation of the 21st century
27.04.2018 Polychrome sculpture and art objects In the Small Hall This small exhibition is an attempt by the author to talk with the audience about the common spirit of the times for all of us, contemporaries.
"Reflexes". Exhibition of works by Evgeny Vakhtangov
27.04.2018 In the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts (Prechistenka 21), a retrospective exhibition of the academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Evgeny Sergeyevich Vakhtangov will open.
Exhibition of St. Petersburg artists "From Maryino to France"
27.04.2018 April 26 at 15:00 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 103, second floor) will open the exhibition of St. Petersburg artists "From Maryino to France" (Museum and Exhibition Center "Petersburg Artist").
Photo exhibition "100 Wonders of the World"
27.04.2018 On April 26, 2018, the photo exhibition “100 Wonders of the World” will begin work at the Information, Educational and Exhibition Center of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (103 Lenin St., second floor).
Exhibition project "MatriarchART"
27.04.2018 The Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts in Saratov will present the work of Kuban artists - the exhibition project "Matriarch ART"
Exhibition "Tragedy in the Corner"
27.04.2018 April 28 at the Museum of Moscow will open the exhibition "Tragedy in the corner" - this is the work of 34 of the brightest young artists from 14 regions of Russia from Vladikavkaz to VladivostokThis generation was born in the USSR or in the 1990s, which has a unique experience of life at the breakdown of three eras - and talks about this experience in large-scale installations, series of paintings, photographs and videos.
Vladimir Zolotukhin. "Metro and other tales"
27.04.2018 From April 24 to May 24, Kostya Kreutz’s apartment will host a personal exhibition of paintings and graphic works by the famous St. Petersburg artist, member of the Union of Artists, Vladimir Zolotukhin. The exhibition will feature more than 50 works by the artist.
The Museum of Moscow will open an exhibition dedicated to the architectural ensemble, which now houses the museum
27.04.2018 April 26 at the Museum of Moscow will open an exhibition dedicated to the architectural ensemble, where the museum is now located. The exposition will be built around the three hypostases of the complex: Providence warehouses, the General Staff Garage and the Museum of Moscow.
"Reto Emh - Installation of Ruin / Jurassic City"
27.04.2018 State Museum of Architecture named after A.V. Shchuseva presents the exhibition of the Swiss artist Reto Emkh “Installation of Ruin / Jurassic City”.