Press-releases 27.02.2018 27.02.2018
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White Waltz. 6+
27.02.2018 In the performance of Andrei Svyatsky, the masterpieces of the French chanson, songs from the movies, urban romance will sound.
Jazz party with Vladimir Feiertag. 12+
27.02.2018 Famous Petersburg pianist Stanislav Chigadaev will perform Vivaldi’s cycle “Seasons” in an authorial jazz arrangement for piano solo.
Classic of the twentieth century. 6+
27.02.2018 The next meeting of the subscription “Music of Three Centuries” is dedicated to the composers of England and Russia. Variations on the theme of Frank Bridge Britten and Symphoniette Shostakovich will sound.
The theater is amazing. 6+
27.02.2018 The next meeting of the Magic World of Theater subscription is devoted to non-core, unique and rare scenic genres: pantomime, light theater, shadow theater, puppet theater, theater of illusions, etc.
The Canterville Ghost. 6+
27.02.2018 A fairy tale with an orchestra for children and adults.
Apartment exhibition in Bronnitskaya. 1981. Reconstruction of events
27.02.2018 “From the art community that was formed“ on Bronnitskaya ”, masters emerged who today determine the artistic situation in St. Petersburg and Russian art. "A. Khlobystin" Bronnitskaya culture ", August 2001
Exhibition of Vladimir Scherbinin "Canned time"
27.02.2018 In the works presented at the exhibition, the Irkutsk citizens will see how the artist conveys the changes taking place in nature, in himself and in his perception of the reality surrounding him over time.
EXHIBITION ANTINOMIA / reality inside out / photographs /
27.02.2018 March 1 at 19:00 in the gallery "Nagornaya" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" will open a photo project dedicated to the disclosure of photography, as one of the modern artistic practices of research and reflection of virtuality.
PETER-MOSCOW. Exhibition of paintings and graphics on the 100th anniversary of the capital’s move from Petrograd to Moscow
27.02.2018 They say that somewhere between St. Petersburg and Moscow there is a place where the curb turns into a curb. For sure, other metamorphoses can also occur in the same place - over three hundred years of “confrontation” many semantic and semiotic differences have accumulated between the two Russian capitals.
27.02.2018 The entire creative biography of the artist Andrei Marina is associated with a spontaneous stream of fantasy and reality. The works represent their mixture.
27.02.2018 March 2 in the gallery "Belyaevo" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" will open an exhibition of inventions "Leonardo da Vinci. Artist. Engineer. Scientist. Genius". The exhibition will feature active interactive models recreated from the drawings of a brilliant Renaissance master.
Exhibition-Competition "Waltz of Flowers"
27.02.2018 For all those who are tired of winter and are looking forward to the sun, warmth, lots of flowers and a beloved women’s holiday, the exhibition of paintings and graphics “Waltz of Flowers” will open its doors in MarchIts organizer is the Creative Union "Peace and Harmony (MIG)" with the support of the Union of Artists of Moscow Region (SHP) and the International Association of Workers of Culture and Art (MARKIS).
Exhibition "Permanent Power". 6+
27.02.2018 March 6, 2018 in the gallery "On Kashirka" of the Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" opens the exhibition "INDEPENDENT POWER. Woman on the Magazine Cover ”dedicated to International Women’s Day.
Exhibition "Four Books". 6+
27.02.2018 The exhibition "Four Books" of Izhevsk artists Envil Kasimov and Sergey Orlov.
The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts Pushkin announced the creation of Russia’s first collection of media art with the support of MAIL.RU Group
27.02.2018 The Pushkin Museum. A. S.