Press-releases 25.11.2021 25.11.2021
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Christmas Bazaar: New Year’s program for children at the Museum of Moscow
25.11.2021 On December 1, the Museum of Moscow starts the New Year’s programs festival "Christmas Bazaar", which includes four museum trees with master classes and gifts and six festive performances - "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", "Emily Brown and her rabbitNew Year’s version "," Christmas "," Chelovekkin "," Music from everything "and" Game in the New Year ".
"Panorama of Venice. Opening of the endless horizon"
25.11.2021 State Research Museum of Architecture. A. V.
Exhibition Korepanov A.S. "Ural landscape"
25.11.2021 Exhibition of Alexander Korepanov has started at the ICC The picturesque canvases show the close and native Ural nature: rocks, fields with mown hay, ponds with cold steel water, birches and pinesAlmost all the works were painted from life near Mount Yezhovaya, the Seven Brothers rocks, in the villages of Raskuikha, Mramorskoe, Atig, Ayat, and the village of Verkhniye Sergi.
Exhibition "Igor Grabar"
25.11.2021 The exhibition is dedicated to the life and work of Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar (1871-1960). For Russian culture, this is a rare personality, universal in its talents.
Exhibition "Venetian masks. Carnival magic" (St. Petersburg)
25.11.2021 On November 18, the exhibition “Venetian masksThe magic of the carnival "from the collection of the" Art Center "(St. Petersburg). Exhibition, recreates the spirit of the holiday in the main square of Venice - San Marco. The exposition contains fifty masks made by hand by Venetian masters.
Exhibition "Bright world of animation" 0+
25.11.2021 On November 27, 2021, an exhibition of masters and students of the Faculty of Animation and Multimedia of the VGIK named after SA. Gerasimov will open in the Nagornaya Gallery of the Exhibition Halls of Moscow Association, which is designed to demonstrate to a wide range of viewers the work of different generations of filmmakers.
Oleg Kotelnikov. Uncle Vanitas. Graphics
25.11.2021 In the Small Hall.
Anatoly Zverev. "There must be a forest here"
25.11.2021 Gallery "Vellum" presents from November 23, 2021 to January 30, 2022 an exhibition of early abstractions, landscapes and portraits of Anatoly Zverev "There must be a forest".
Annual Regional Final Exhibition-Competition for the Prize named after Afanasy Kulikova-2021
25.11.2021 On November 19, the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (103 Lenina St.) will host the Annual Regional Final Exhibition-Competition for the Prize named after V.I. Afanasy Kulikova-2021.
Exhibition of works by Ivan Shishkin
25.11.2021 Ivan Shishkin is a big figure in Russian artThe artist’s work, replicated in Soviet times, not only has not lost interest from the viewer today, but on the contrary, it is I. Shishkin that the general public calls one of the best national artists in Russia, the master whose works most fully reflect the emotions and feelings of delight from the beauty of their native land.
"Inspiration. Winter" at VDNKh
25.11.2021 Venue: VDNKh - House of Culture, Chess Club, Pavilion No. 34 "Cosmos" (Center "Cosmonautics and Aviation"), Pavilion "Worker and Collective Farm Woman"
Exhibition "Vladimir Golenev. For the artist’s anniversary"
25.11.2021 On November 19, a personal exhibition of the Irkutsk artist Vladimir Golenev, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the author, starts working at the Gallery of Siberian Art (Karl Marx St., 23).
Nikolay Popov. Concert of the subscription "Person-composer. Performance and interview - Andrey Ustinov"
25.11.2021 December 14 at 19:00.
Walking the Three Seas
25.11.2021 December 6 at 20:00.
"Youth laboratory"
25.11.2021 Concert of assistant trainees of the class "Orchestra of Contemporary Music" on December 3 at 19:00