Press-releases 26.09.2021 15.09.2021
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Photo exhibition by Ekaterina Knyazkina "When the trees were big"
26.09.2021 Personal exhibition presents the author’s view on the theme of childhood. As the poetess Larisa Shuminskaya wrote: "When the trees seemed large, we felt comfortable in that little life, then we believed in a fairy tale with hope..."
Exhibition "Masterpieces of Russian Art from American Collections"
26.09.2021 From 4 to 23 November 2021, the exhibition "Masterpieces of Russian Art from American Collections" will be held in the halls of the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Russian Academy of Arts, organized by the ABA Gallery in New York.
"The world of high watercolors"
26.09.2021 From 2 to 17 October, the Gallery of Classical Photography will host the II International Art Festival "The World of High Watercolors".
The Museum of Moscow has released an online game "Memories" about the churches of the Tagansky District
26.09.2021 Churches, cathedrals, monasteries and temples were an important part of the exhibition “Moscow without suburbsThat Taganka ”, which is open at the Museum of Moscow until October 24. During the re-exhibition, part of the exhibition devoted to this topic moved online - the twelve main churches in the area now exist in the form of a game "memory" on the project’s website.
Exhibition by Alexander Markov "Carved legends"
26.09.2021 On September 24 at 16.00 in the Estate of VP. Sukachev (Dekabrskikh Sobytiy st., 112), the opening of the personal exhibition "Carved Tales" will take place within the framework of the long-term project "A Tale in a Tree". The exposition includes works by the folk master of the Irkutsk region Alexander Markov, created in the technique of wood carving.
Exhibition of one painting "Portrait in the work of Antoni Palamedes"
26.09.2021 On September 29, the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (104 Lenina st., Main exposition) will open an exhibition of one painting "Portrait in the work of Antoni Palamedes", dedicated to the 420th anniversary of the artist’s birth.
Exhibition "Fairy Tales from Childhood Illustrated by I. Ya. Bilibin and A. M. Vasnetsov"
26.09.2021 On September 22, in the Main building of the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum (Lenina st., 5), the first book-graphic exhibition "Tales from childhood illustrated by I. Ya.
Exhibition "New Russian Landscape"
26.09.2021 From September 18 to October 28, 2021, the First Biennale of Contemporary Art is being held in Yaroslavl, which was organized at the initiative of the Scientific and Organizational Directorate for the coordination of fundamental scientific research programs of the Russian Academy of Arts and with the support of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts .
Concert series Nuova Musica Italiana & ndash
26.09.2021 On September 27, the second concert of the Nuova Musica Italiana series, a joint project of the Studio for New Music and the Venetian Foundation of Hugo and Olga Levi, will take place in the Rachmaninov Hall of the Moscow Conservatory.
"Moscow Tea Party"
26.09.2021 The Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve presents the Moscow Tea Party exhibitionThrough the history of the Russian samovar and tea ware, the exposition in the Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich tells about the national cultural phenomenon - Russian tea drinking and its private manifestation - "Moscow-style tea drinking." .
"Russian avant-garde and classics in the works of children and adults with disabilities"
25.09.2021 The Kaluga regional public organization in support of children with disabilities, children with disabilities and disabled children from childhood “CITY OF HOPE” is holding an Exhibition of artworks created by children and adults with disabilities within the framework of the project of the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization “Program of Comprehensive Personality Rehabilitation“ League of Dreams ”“ Artistic and aesthetic development and teaching the fine arts of children with special needs based on the traditions of the Russian avant-garde, the school of Vasily Kandinsky and VKHUTEMAS, as well as the Russian classical school .
Exhibition "The Wrong Side and What’s Inside"
25.09.2021 As part of the Third Place program to support young artists, an exhibition of works by the participants of the First Summer Sculpture School of Ekaterina Sokolovskaya, which took place this summer in the Novgorod region, will be held in the space of the mansion on Liteiny from September 20 to October 2.
"Summary". Exhibition of works by Olga Bulgakova
25.09.2021 The Russian Academy of Arts presents an exhibition of works by Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Olga Vasilievna Bulgakova "Summary"The exhibition features paintings from the 1980s to 2010s, as well as a number of pencil and watercolor sketches made by the author since the 1970s.
Nicoletta Ceccoli. Scary Tales 18+
25.09.2021 Erarta Museum presents an exhibition by the artist Nicoletta Ceccoli, in whose puppetry world unchildish passions are played out.
"Indict". Exhibition of works by Viktor Kalinin
15.09.2021 A small, but significant, jubilee exhibition of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, First Vice-President and Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Viktor Grigorievich Kalinin "Indikt" is symbolically timed to the beginning of autumn - the time that is marked in the Orthodox Church calendar by the celebration of the New Summer from the Creation of the world ("Indikta" or " New Years ").