Dance of the twentieth century. Speculation and prejudice
Automatic translate
17 Декабря
Центр фотографии имени братьев Люмьер
Болотная набережная, 3, стр. 1
December 17 at 3:00 p.m. The Lumiere Brothers Center of Photography in conjunction with the Center for Contemporary Dance CJS invites you to an interactive lecture from the Isadorino Gora dance cooperative “Dance of the 20th Century. Speculation and prejudice. "
At the lecture, viewers will be offered to get acquainted with the techniques of famous choreographers of the last century, as well as try to apply their practices on their own bodies. It will be about Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham, Jose Limone, Rudolph Laban, Mary Wigman, Merce Cunningham, Judson Dance Theater, Pine Bausch, Anna Teresa de Keersmaker, Wime Wandeckeybus. “You need to know about geniuses not only important, but also interesting,” say the members of the cooperative. Therefore, during the lecture, as a “study guide”, a set of postcards created by the Isadorino Gora cooperative own will be used. On the cards are icons of modern dance and official (and sometimes not very) information about them. By the way, postcards are already available at the PhotoBookPoster bookstore.
About the team: The Isadorino Gora cooperative is Alexandra Portyannikova and Daria Plokhova, the union of graduates of the master’s program in the experimental course of modern choreography at the A. Ya. Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet. Actively participate in the life of Russian modern dance as choreographers, dancers, performers and educators.
Ticket price: full - 430 rubles, preferential - 200 rubles (purchased at the box office of the Center for Photography), World War II veterans - for free.
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