Exhibition "Big Russian Icon"
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The exhibition will feature 300 temple icons from the collection of collector and philanthropist Felix Komarov. The format of the exhibition is unique: so many large museum-level icons have never been collected in one exhibition before.
The collection of Felix Komarov presents all the stylistic directions of Russian icon painting, starting from the turn of the XVI – XVII centuries to the beginning of the XX century, as well as numerous local icon painting centers, of which the monuments from Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Vologda, Rostov, Kargopol and others are of particular value. section of the collection - an icon of the XVIII century. The iconography of this time includes both works traditional in the artistic language, and reflecting a change in the artistic styles of Baroque and Classicism in Russian secular art. Many monuments are associated with the Old Believer art tradition, which remained faithful to the formal language and writing techniques of ancient icon painting.
The central event of the exhibition program will be the performance of the Moscow male chamber choir Kastalsky conducted by Alexei Rudnevsky. The choir will perform the chants of the Russian Orthodox Church for the first time to the accompaniment of the Yaroslavl bell belfry Vladimir Degtyarev, senior bell ringer of the Yaroslavl Metropolis. The music for the songs was written by the laureate of international competitions, the organist Ekaterina Melnikova. The choir will perform on November 15, 16, 22, 23 (from 14:00 to 16:00).
The exhibition project is carried out in close collaboration with leading experts of the Central Museum of Old Russian Culture and Art. Andrei Rublev.
The exhibition runs from November 1 to November 27, 2014.
Address: Moscow, Okhotny Ryad metro, Alexander Garden, Manezhnaya sq., 1
The cost of a full ticket is 150 rubles, preferential - 50 rubles
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