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Lucas Henry Frederick Lucas
Lucas Henry Frederick Lucas Paintings outside this album
Virgin and Child
Lucas Vorsterman
Lucas Vorsterman
Lucas van Uffelen
Lucas van Uffelen
Portrait of Sir Charles Lucas
Johann Friedrich the Magnanimous
lrs Lucas Connie The Hideaway
Brava, De
Coral Concert, De
Summer Harvest, De
Portrait of Philips Lucasz.
The Fortune Teller, with a Fool
Lucas Robiquet_Maria_Aimee_Eliane_Jeune_Femme_Se_Tirant_Les_Cartes
The Tower of Babel
Inquisition scene
Schaefels Victor Lucas Flowers and fruits Sun
Spring, De
Merienda de aldeanos
La Virgen con Niño, San Juan y ángeles
Gassel, Lucas ()
Valkenborch, Lucas van ()
Valkenborch, Lucas van () 1
Lucas van Valckenborch A Village Kermesse 1644 20
Lucas Robiquet Maria Aimee Eliane Jeune Femme Se Tirant Les Cartes
Lucas Robiquet Maria Aimee Eliane Jeune Femme Se Tirant Les Cartes
The Age of Silver
Venus Standing in a Landscape
Caspar von Köckeritz
The Three Graces
Magdalena Luther (), Daughter of Martin Luther
Cranach, Lucas the Younger ()
Cranach, Lucas the Younger () 1
Cranach, Lucas the Younger () 2
Cranach, Lucas the Younger () 3
Cranach, Lucas the Younger () 4
CRANACH Lucas the Younger Christ And The Fallen Woman
CRANACH Lucas the Younger Portrait Of A Woman
CRANACH Lucas the Younger Venus And Amor
Cacería en honor de Fernando I en el castillo de Torgau
Cacería en honor de Carlos V en el castillo de Torgau
Felipe II
Paisaje con ferrerías
Schaefels lucas A still Life with fruit Fish Game And A Goldfish Bowl
Portrait of the architect Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli
Portrait of Peter III
Falkenborh, Lucas van. Landscape with Village Festival
Venus with Cupid Stealing Honey
The Judgement of Paris
The Stag Hunt of the Elector Frederic the Wise (1463-1525) of Saxony
The Crucifixion
Faun with his family and a dead lion (83x56 cm) c.1526
Bergachtig landschap, 1582
Maria met kind, 1530
Portrait of Joachim II, Elector of Brandenburg
The Fall
Saint Jerome in Penance
Stag hunt of Elector Frederick the Wise of Saxony, Emperor Maximilian I, and Elector Johann the Steady
Lot and his Daughters
Margrave Casimir von Brandenburg-Culmbach
Christ’s Farewell to the Holy Women
CRANACH, Lucas the Elder () The Crucifixion 1501 Wood, 58 x 45 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna This is the earliest known painting of Cranach, executed for the Schottenkirche in Vienna. Cranach’s style was fully formed and underwent little development after about 1515, and the highly finished, mass-produced paintings after that date suffer by comparison with the more individual works he painted in early adulthood. --
Princesses Sibylla, Emilia, and Sidonia of Saxony
Saint Jerome
Saint Mary Suffering
Suffering Christ ()
Judith with the Head of Holofernes
Judith with the Head of Holofernes and a Servant
Portrait of a Man
The Stag hunt of Elector Johann Friedrich
Portrait of a Woman
Emperor Rudolf II taking a drinking cure
August, Elector of Saxony
Anna of Denmark
adjust it, Lucas van. Landscape with hunters
adjust it, Lucas van. Landscape with a fortune-teller
Lucas van. Landscape with hut near the river
Condenado por la Inquisición
La suerte de varas
El cazador
Condenada por la Inquisición
Condenados por la Inquisición
Saint Peter
Saint Andrew
Portrait of King Henry VIII
Lot and his Daughters
Descent from the Cross
Portrait of Charles De Longvalya
Brutus Bust
Portrait of a Man with a Red Beard
Judith with the Head of Holofernes
Portrait of Mayor Weissenfels
The Penitent Saint Jerome
Portrait of Katharina of Bora
Virgin and Child with Angels
The Legend of the True Cross
The Virgin and Child with St Anne
Portrait of the wife of a doctor Johann Reiss
St Jerome in a rocky landscape
David and Bathsheba
Johannes Carion
Portrait of Martin Luther
Johann Friedrich I the Magnanimous, Elector of Saxony
Landscape with the Dream of Jacob
Rest on the Flight to Egypt
Adam and Eve in Paradise
Last Judgement
Last Judgement
Last Judgement
Apollo and Diana in a wooded landscape
Fall of man
The Virgin and Child with St Anne
Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg as St Jerome
The Fountain of Youth
Venus and Cupid
Philipp of the Rhein, Count Palatine
Portrait of the saxon lawyer Leonhard Badehorn
Venus and Cupid as a Honey Thief
Elector Frederick the Wise
Portrait of a man in a fur beret
Crown prince Joachim II
Barbara Duchess of Saxony
Game of Chess
Christ and the harlot
Madonna and Child under the apple tree
Portrait of kardinala Albrecht of Brandenburg
Portrait of a Woman
Venus and Cupid
Healing Jericho blind
Buying wine
The Virgin and Child Under an Apple Tree
Portrait ()
Portrait of von Koekeritz
Venus in a landscape
Cupid complaining to Venus
Portrait of Johann Friedrich the Magnanimous
Portrait of Johann the Steadfast
Portrait of a Man, probably Johann Feige
Portrait of a Woman
Saints Christina and Ottilia
Saints Genevieve and Apollonia
The Close of the Silver Age
A Man aged 38
Peasants merry-making before a Country House
Lots Daughters make their Father drink Wine
1957 Sujet de Lucas Cranach
A Princess of Saxony
A Prince of Saxony
The Crucifixion with the Converted Centurion
The Nymph of the Spring
Adam and Eve
Venus and Cupid
Johann Friedrich I, the Magnanimous, Elector of Saxony and Johann Ernst of Saxony
Portrait of Friedrich III. the Wise, Elector of Saxony
Stag Hunt
Portrait of Jeronimus Tedenhamer
The Flight into Egypt
St Ursula with the Virgins
Allegory of Faith
Allegory of Love
St Jerome
St Jerome
Christ and the Good Samariten at a well
St Catharine in front of a landscape
St Barbara in front of a landscape
The Virgin in an ’Ährenkleid’ with a donor
Johann Ernst of Saxony
Venus with Cupid as Honey Thief
Venus and Cupid as the Honey Thief
Portrait of Philipp Melanchthon
Portrait of Martin Luther
Portrait of Paulus of Berge ()
Christ falls on the way to Calvary
Portrait of the Duke Wolfgang the Steadfast of Anhalt-Köthen ()
Portrait of Duke Ulrich of Württemberg ()
Portrait of Georg (), Duke of Saxony
Portrait of the Margrave Georg of Brandenburg
Portrait of Martin Luther
Portrait of Leon Braunsberg
Portrait of the Nuremberg Ecclesiastes Veit Dietrich
Recto: The Last Judgement; Verso: St Elisabeth and St Magdalene
Portrait of a Lady in a Bonnet
Christ blessing the Children
Christ and the Adultress
Martin Luther after his death
The Holy Trinity
Christ and the Adultress
Johann the Steadfast, Elector of Saxony
Johann Friedrich I. the Magnanimous, Elector of Saxony
Friedrich III the Wise, Elector of Saxony
Martin Luther
St Christopher and St Catherine
Dido the Queen of Carthage
The Judgement of Solomon
Woman Taken in Adultery
Georg (), Duke of Saxony
Portrait of Philipp Melanchthon
Martin Luther
Christ on the Road to Calvary
Johann Ernst of Saxony
An ill-matched Pair
Portrait of a Lady
Martin Luther
Katharina Luther (), maiden name: of Bora
Emperor Heinrich II/ Verso: John the Baptist
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple
The Raising of Lazarus
Christ appearing to the Virgin
Christ’s Arrest
Christ is condemned to death
The Annunciation
Presentation in the Temple
The Holy Trinity
The Adoration of the Magi
Tha Nativity
Tha Flight into Egypt
Margarethe of Ponickau
Philipp Melanchthon
Martin Luther
The Virgin flanked by two female saints
Katharina Luther, maiden name von Bora
Martin Luther
Johann the Steadfast, Elector of Saxony
Friedrich III the Wise, Elector of Saxony
Adam and Eve
Portrait of a Young Woman ()
Portrait of a man in a red doublet
St George and St Barbara
Johann Friedrich I, the Magnanimous, Elector of Saxony
Sibylle of Cleve, Duchess of Saxony ()
Christ as the Man of Sorrows
Posthumous Portrait of Martin Luthers as an Augustine Monk
An ill-matched pair
Portrait of Friedrich III. the Wise, Elector of Saxony
Portrait of Philipp Melanchthon
Portrait of Martin Luther
Portrait of Margrave Kasimir of Brandenburg-Kulmbach
The Beheading of St Catherine
The Mouth of Truth
Portrait of Johann the Steadfast (), Elector of Saxony
Christ on the Cross
Hercules with Omphale
The Fall of Man: Eve
The Fall of Man: Adam
The Virgin and Child
Portrait of a Mayor of Weißenfels
Allegory of Law and Grace
Katharina of Mecklenburg, Duchess of Saxony ()
Portrait of the saxon lawyer Leonhard Badehorn
Christ Blessing the Children
Christ and the Adulteress
The Virgin and Child with St. John as a boy
The Judgement of Paris
Philipp Melanchthon
Martin Luther
Agnes of Anhalt (), wife of Duke Joachim Ernst of Anhalt-Dessau
Johann Georg, Elector of Brandenburg
Moritz, Elector of Saxony
Moritz, Elector of Saxony and his wife Agnes
The awakened Hercules and the Pygmies
The sleeping Hercules with the Pygmies
The Crucifixion
Elijah and Baal’s priests
Three Pairs of Lovers
David and Bathsheba
Samson and Delilah
The Idolatry of Solomon
Christ blessing the Children
Christ blessing the Children
The Sermon of John the Baptist
Salome with the head of St John the Bapist at Herodes table
Portrait of a Man
Christiane Eulenau
The Resurrection of Christ with a donor and his family
Allegory of Redemption
Portrait of Martin Luther
Portrait of Dr. Gregor Brück
Christ as the Man of Sorrows
Martin Luther
Georg, Duke of Anhalt
Winged altarpiece shaped like a heart (Colditzer Altar) The Resurrection of Christ (Right wing, intereior)
Winged altarpiece shaped like a heart (Colditzer Altar) The Annunciation (Right wing, exterior)
Winged altarpiece shaped like a heart (Colditzer Altar) The Fall of Man (Left wing, exterior)
Winged altarpiece shaped like a heart (Colditzer Altar) The Nativity (Left wing, interior)
Winged altarpiece shaped like a heart (Colditzer Altar) The Crucifixion (central panel)
The Conversion of Saul
Portrait of a Lady ()
The Crucifixion with the Converted Captain
Portrait of a Man
Elector Moritz of Saxony
The Stag hunt of Elector Johann Friedrich
Anna of Denmark
August, Elector of Saxony
Portrait of Pietro Bembo ()
Portrait Of A Lady
Portrait of Lucas Cranach the Elder
Portrait Of A Woman
Portrait of a Woman
Portrait of a Woman
Nymph of the Spring
Portrait of a Man
Dorothea von Dehren
Water Nymph
Portrait Of A Man
Portrait of Philipp Melanchthon
A nude boy
Christ as the Man of Sorrows flanked by angels
Agony in the Garden
Johann the Steadfast, Elector of Saxony
The Garden of Eden
Christ taking leave from the Virgin
The Duchess Katharina of Mecklenburg
Heinrich the Devout, Duke of Saxony
Saint Barbara
Saint Catherine
Christ as the Man of Sorrows at the Column after the Flagellation
The Massacre of the Innocents
Altarpiece with the Martyrdom of St Catharine ()
Altarpiece with the Martyrdom of St Catharine ()
Altarpiece with the Martyrdom of St Catharine ()
Portrait of Johannes Carion
Portrait of Luther as Junker Jörg
Portrait of Georg of Wiedebach
Portrait of Apollonia of Wiedebach
A nymph at a Fountain
Portrait of Gerhart Volk
Portrait of Christian II., King of Denmark
Portrait of Georg the bearded, Elector of Saxony
Christ and the Good Samaritan
The dying man
Portrait of Georg Spalatin
The Adoration of the Magi
The Holy Trinity
The Virgin nursing the Child
Martin Luther as Junker Jörg
Christ and the Virgin
Johann Friedrich I, the Magnanimous, Elector of Saxony
Sibylle of Cleve, Duchess of Saxony
Philipp Melanchthon
The Altarpiece of the Holy Kinship ()
The Altarpiece of the Holy Kinship ()
Expulsion of the Money-changers from the Temple
The altarpiece of the Holy Kinship ()
Samson battling with the lion
Johann the Steadfast, Elector of Saxony
Christ as the Man of Sorrows
Friedrich III. the Wise, Elector of Saxony
The Mockery of Christ
Battle between naked men and their complaining women
Portrait of Princess Sibylle of Cleve
Prince-Elector Johann Friedrich of Saxony
Portrait of the Lady of Schleinitz
Portrait of the Lord of Schleinitz
St Margaret
Katharina of Bora
Martin Luther
Lot and his daughters
St Jerome
Johann the Steadfast, Elector of Saxony
Friedrich III the Wise, Elector of Saxony
The Suicide of Lucretia
Reclining Nymphe
The Suicide of Lucretia
The Holy Trinity
The Virgin Suckling the Child
The Virgin and Child with a Bunch of Grapes
The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Alexandria with Saints Dorothy, Margaret and Barbara
The Martyrdom of St Catherine
Hercules and Antaeus
Portrait of Katharina of Bora
Portrait of a young woman. Princess Emilia of Saxony?
Philipp of the Rhein, Count Palatine
Portrait of a patrician
Venus and Cupid
Johann Friedrich I, the Magnanimous, Elector of Saxony
The Fountain of Youth
Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg, Prince of Mainz () as St Jerome
Adam and Eve
David and Bathsheba
The Virgin and Child with St Anne
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
St Jerome in a rocky landscape
Apollo and Diana
Rest on the Flight into Egypt
The Last Judgement
The Last Judgement
The Last Judgement
The Virgin and Child with St Anne
Portrait of the wife of a Jurist
Venus with Cupid as the Honey Thief
Jesus blessing the Children
The Adoration of the Magi
The Fourteen Helpers in Need () Man of Sorrows between two angels (verso)
Man of Sorrows between two angels
Portrait of Martin Luther
An ill-matched Pair
Agony in the Garden
Friedrich III the Wise, Elector of Saxony
Johann the Steadfast, Elector of Saxony
Hercules with Omphale
Portrait of a man in a fur beret
The Adoration of the Magi
Damnation and Redemption
Judith dining with Holofernes
The death of Holofernes
Saint Maurice
Venus and Cupid
Samson and Delilah
John (), Duke of Saxony
A Faun and His Family with a Slain Lion
Portrait of Johann Friedrich the Magnanimous from Diptych: Two Electors of Saxony
Portrait of Johann the Steadfast from Diptych: Two Electors of Saxony
Altarpiece with the Martyrdom of St Catherine ()
Altarpiece with the Martyrdom of St Catherine ()
Cupid complaining to Venus
The Close of the Silver Age
Portrait of a Woman
Portrait of a Man, probably Johannes Feige
Portrait of a Duke of Anhalt ()
Portrait of a Bride
An ill-matched Pair
Adam and Eve
Christ as the Man of Sorrows flanked by the Virgin and St John with Angels
Portrait of the Humanist Christoph Scheurl
Stigmatization of St Francis
Johann Friedrich the Magnanimous, Elector of Saxony
Friedrich the Wise, Elector of Saxony
Johann the Steadfast, Elector of Saxony
Venus and Cupid as the Honey Thief
Portrait of a Jurist
St Stephen, King of Hungary
Venus and Cupid as the Honey Thief
Christ and the good Samaritan at the well
Altarpiece of George the Bearded ()
Altarpiece of George the Bearded ()
Altarpiece of George the Bearded ()
Portrait of Hans Melber
Portrait of Georg (), Duke of Saxony
Lot and his Daughters
The Virgin and Child with St Anne
Gabriel of Eyb, Bishop of Eichstätt, with Sts Wilibald and Walburga
Portrait of Rudolph Agricola
Portrait of Joachim I. Nestor, Elector of Brandenburg
Adam and Eve
Christ Crucified between the Two Thieves
The Suicide of Lucretia
Portrait of Philipp Melanchthon
Christ as the Man of Sorrows
The Pharoah’s Hosts engulfed in the Red Sea
The Sacrifice of Abraham
Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg in front of the Crucified Christ
Moses and Aaron with two Prophets
The Lamentation of Christ
Pyramus and Thisbe
Lot and his Daughters
Portrait of Christiane of Eulenau
The Virgin and Child with a Bunch of Grapes
The converted captain under the Cross
The Golden Age
Allegory of Law and Mercy
Allegory of Law and Mercy
David in the Wilderness of Ziph
An ill-matched pair
Portrait of Martin Luther aged 50
A finely dressed young Lady
Portrait of King Christian II. of Denmark
Christ and the Adulteress
The Entombment of Christ
An ill-matched Pair
The Lamentation of Christ
Georg (), Duke of Saxony
The Virgin and Child with St John as a boy
Portrait of the Chancellor Gregor Brück
Friedrich the Wise, Elector of Saxony
Portrait of Johann the Steadfast, Elector of Saxony
The Holy Family surrounded by Angels ()
Education of the Virgin Mary ()
Altarpiece of the Virgin, or so-called Princes’ Altarpiece ()
Altarpiece of the Virgin, or so-called Princes’ Altarpiece ()
Altarpiece of the Virgin, or so-called Princes’ Altarpiece ()
Portrait of a Man aged 19
The Judgement of Paris ()
Portrait of Margaretha of Savoy (), Governor of the Netherlands from 1507-1530
Portrait of Count Palatine Philipp of the Rhein, Bishop of Naumburg and Bishop of Freising ()
The Virgin and Child with Sts Catherine, Dorothy, Margaret and Barbara ()
A Hunt in Honor of Fernando I castillo at the Torgau Castle
Joachim von Anhalt
Judith with the Head of Holofernes
Duke Johann II von Anhalt
The Judgment of Paris
The Judgment of Paris
The Judgment of Paris
A Princess of Saxony
A Prince of Saxony
Christ Blessing the Children
Man with a Rosary
Caspar von Köckeritz
Moritz Buchner
Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg as Saint Jerome
The Nymph of the Spring
Anna Buchner
The Nymph of the Spring
Portrait of a Man
The Martyrdom of Saint Barbara
David And Bathsheba
Venus with Cupid the Honey Thief
portrait of a man
Emperor Charles V
Saint George
Saint Christopher
Saint Anne with the Duchess Barbara of Saxony as Donor
Saint Elizabeth with Duke George of Saxony as Donor
St Barbara
The Virgin with Child with a Bunch Grapes
Adam and Eve
The Virgin and Child Under an Apple Tree
Hunting near Hartenfels Castle
The Crucifixion with the Converted Centurion
Portrait of a woman
Venus and Cupid Carrying the Honeycomb
Hercules and Omphale
Adam and Eve
Judgment of Paris
A Hunt in Honor of Charles V at the Torgau Castle
Judith and Holofernes
Portrait Of A Young Lady
The Virgin with the Christ Child, Saint John and Angels
Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon
Old Man Beguiled By Courtesans
Portrait Of A Young Lady Holding Grapes And Apples
Portrait of a Saxon Lady
The Holy Kinship
Venus Standing in a Landscape
The Ill-Matched Lovers
Christ Presented to the People
Christ and the Adulteress
Christ Blessing the Children
The Judgment of Paris
The Martyrdom of Saint Barbara
Samson and Delilah
Venus and Cupid
Saint Maurice
Venus with Cupid the Honey Thief
Nymph of the Spring
View of Monte Sant’Angelo from the Villa Auriemma near Sorrento
Portrait of a Man with a Gold-Embroidered Cap
John (), Duke of Saxony
Judith with the Head of Holofernes
Portrait of a Man with a Rosary
Portrait of Frederick III the Wise, Elector of Saxony
Portrait of Philipp Melanchton (1497-1560)
Saint Peter
The Age of Silver
Saint Mary Suffering
Suffering Christ ()
Lucas Cranach the elder- Lot and his Daughters
Adam and Eve
The Uneven Couple
Magdalena Luther, Daughter of Martin Luther
Elector Frederick the Wise with Saints Ursula and Genevieve
The Beheading of St Catherine
The Beheading of St John the Baptist
Portrait of Johannes Cuspinian
Portrait of Anna Cuspinian
The Judgement of Paris
Portrait of Katharina of Bora
Portrait of Martin Luther
Portrait of Johann Friedrich I, the Magnanimous, Elector of Saxony
The Virgin and Child
Portrait of a woman
Venus and Cupid
Apollo and Diana
The Fall of Man
A Stag Hunt with the Elector Friedrich the Wise
Herod’s banquet
Judith with the head of Holofernes and a servant
The Garden of Eden
The penitent St Jerome
The Crucifixion of Christ, the so-called Schottenkreuzigung
Judith with the head of Holofernes
Christ’s Arrest
The Princesses Sibylla (), Emilia (1516-1591) and Sidonia (1518-1575) of Saxony
Margrave Casimir of Brandenburg-Kulmbach ()
An Old Man with a Girl
St Jerome
St Leopold
Portrait of a Man
George A. Lucas ()
Sir Charles Lucas or Colonel Richard Neville
Portrait of Lucas van Leyden
Lucas Cranach the elder- Saint Andrew
Portrait of Lucas van Voorst
Portrait of a Lady and her Son
Schooling a Pair in a Brake at Lucas’s Yard, Clerkenwell
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Lucas Henry Frederick Lucas
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