Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825)
1748,1825Jacques-Louis David was born August 30, 1748 in Paris. And in 1857 began teaching at the College of the Four Nations on a course of rhetoric.
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Jacques-Louis David. The life and works of the great artist
Jacques-Louis David was born August 30, 1748 in Paris. And in 1857 began teaching at the College of the Four Nations on a course of rhetoric.
But when David was 9 years old, his father - a wealthy young businessman, was killed in a duel. The mother took Louis out of college and gave his son the education of relatives. Francois Buron and Jacques Demezon immediately noticed the artistic talent of the child. They were architects and wanted to give him his craft, providing a good income. But architecture is not interested in his nephew. He enthusiastically painted, and DRAWINGS watched indifferently.
Buron took Louis to the famous Parisian artist François Boucher, who, after seeing pictures of David, immediately made youth of sixteen letter of recommendation to Vienne - the main court painter.
Most Roman Prize
David became a student at the Royal Academy of Painting. He worked with great zeal and swiftly moved to mastery. Dreamboat any student Academy - Great Rome Prize. After receiving it, the artist had the opportunity to work quietly in Italy, to study near the famous masters.
Without warning Vien, David gave his work superiors Academy. After a few months of training, he was allowed to participate in the competition. The first in his life painting "Battle of Mars Minerva" brought Louis only the second prize. David was disappointed.
Four times David participated in the competition. Received the award three times more. Saved from despair and perseverance over the years acquired skills. In 1774 painting "Antiochus, son of Seleucus" David brought a long-awaited victory. He painted a picture in a new way: the statues in a row, abandoning the traditional pyramid.
David gradually became fashionable. Had a lot of work. Ladies of the court, the highest light commissioned portraits.
Italy (1775 - 1780)
In Rome, David received permission to visit the galleries, which were closed for ordinary art lovers. In the Vatican, he studied the paintings of Caravaggio, Raphael. Makes pencil sketches with antique sculptures. In his room there was no room for the finished work. Drawing becomes easier and more severe. Sometimes it takes a day to ensure that accurately portray the smallest detail of the figure.
He liked to write strong, muscular torsos. In the majestic beauty of ancient heroes artist saw support for their quest strict composition.
Louis has written extensively on the streets of Rome. His "Triumph of Paul Emile" (1778) praised the Academy.
Homecoming. "Belisarius"
David spent five years in Italy. To return to the Academy, he prepared sketches of his future paintings "Belisarius".
In order to exhibit his paintings in the salons, David was necessary to obtain the first academic title be "numbered with the Academy." All thoughts of the artist focused on the film, where he first decided to publish ideas born of painstaking study of antiquity. Belisarius on canvas David sits on a rock. He is blind and does not see the world, but only listens to him.
Academy Council unanimously approved the painting, and Jacques-Louis was "numbered with the Academy", which persevered.
In August 1781 in the halls of the Louvre opened art gallery, where they were exhibited eight works of David. Among them: "The Holy Rock," "The funeral of Patroclus," "Portrait of Count Potocki." First picture narrated not about love amusements gods, and the sad fate of the roads, goodness, faithfulness. Diderot himself wrote enthusiastically about the paintings of the young artist.
Glory painter grew. Young artists came with a request to become his disciples.
In 1782, Louis met the daughter of an influential nobleman and Monsieur pekuly. A wedding took place in May Margaritty Charlotte pekuly and Jacques-Louis David.
"Andromache" and "Oath of the Horatii"
Life in France has changed. Center of political events moved from Versailles to living aristocrats and bourgeois. David is working on a new canvas "Andromache mourns the death of Hector." The picture is completely obsessed with the artist. But then came the royal palace of an order for a series of paintings "The good deeds of kings", to abandon that was impossible.
David is looking for a plot in which he would be able to without departing from the ordered threads to realize their intentions. Thus was born the painting "The Oath of the Horatii." Three sons in battle garb put forth his hands to his father. The old man blessed oath sons and admonishes them before the fight.
"Andromache" David brought the title of academician, and the "Oath of the Horatii" - world famous. The news about the extraordinary canvas instantly spread throughout the city, and the crowds were precipitated workshop Louis. Rumors about the picture came up to the pope, and Pius VI conveyed the request of the French painter - to bring the "oath" in the Vatican.
Artist - revolutionary
The French Revolution seized David. He is actively involved in the revolutionary movement.
1790. David became a member of the Jacobin Club and writes "Tennis Court Oath".
1791. It organizes a ceremonial transfer of the ashes of Voltaire in the Pantheon.
1792. David was elected a member of the National Convention.
1793. David voted for the execution of the king, and works on the painting "Death of Marat".
1794. From 5 to 20 January, David is the chairman of the Convention.
1794-1795 years. Artist in custody. Creating paintings: "Zelenschitsa" and "View the Jardin du Luxembourg."
1800. Creating a portrait of Napoleon.
1803. Awarding the Order of the Legion of Honor of David.
From 1803 - 1807 years. David - the first painter of the Emperor
1815. Napoleon met with David. Presentation of the Commander Cross of the Legion of Honor. Expulsion from France.
1825. Death from cardiac hypertrophy.
French authorities banned the funeral of David at home. He was buried in Brussels. Only the heart of David, thanks to popular demand, was buried in the Parisian cemetery Pere Lachaise.
Some works of David lost, but preserved paintings - a testimony colorful life of the painter, the first in the world of the famous artist, who became a revolutionary.
Text: Alla Mistyukova
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