Salvador Dali
1904,1989No matter how angry Madame Grendel, trying to reason with her son - she quietly resigned! Pet of all native 17-year-old mother of Eugene stir two ideas - become a poet and marry the girl that was in a tuberculosis sanatorium in Switzerland.

automatic translate
Gala – Salvador Dali's muse
No matter how angry Madame Grendel, trying to reason with her son – she quietly resigned! Pet of all native 17-year-old mother of Eugene stir two ideas – become a poet and marry the girl that was in a tuberculosis sanatorium in Switzerland.
After parting after a year, they spent in the resort, they always corresponded for two years. Muscovite Elena Dyakonov called herself the letters "Gala" in the French manner. She graduated from the prestigious school, talked about her love and talk about literature. By signing the letter, "your fiancee." She convinced the parents that he would go to continue his studies at the Sorbonne. Eugene almost 20 years, he produced a small booklet of poems, signed "Paul-Eugène Grendel."
The war begins. Paul was drafted into the army, but most of the time are in different hospitals. His mother, a little sigh, agreed to let the girl come to France.
In the autumn of 1916 breaking a dangerous path in wartime, Gala arrives in Paris and stops at the apartment of his parents of the groom. She left Russia forever. In the suitcase strange Russian girl icon, three novels of Dostoevsky, letters Fields and spirits' favorite bouquet Empress. "
Life in pink light
Elena and Eugene, ie Gala and Paul were married in early 1917. They lived together for more than twelve years. During this time Paul wrote poetry and loved one woman participated in the turbulent life of young poets Dadaists. Until 1927, Paul worked in the office of his father – and has always been financially secure. Young often went to rest on the Cote d'Azur and Monte Carlo, where the gala was already used to play: in the mid-twenties, they started buying paintings and a collection of rare items to collect. Their daughter Sessil, born in 1918, has lived with his grandmother Grendel as Gala is incapable of experiencing maternal feelings.
The charm and enchantment Gala very selective. Once upon a time, before the wedding, she said to Paul: "I do not like to have friends." Friends meet her the same – the closest associates of Paul: André Breton, Louis Aragon and Tristan Tzara never spoke of it flattering, suffered her presence for the sake of Eluard.
You can imagine how the whole company responded when in 1922 the German Dadaist painter, Max Ernst, Dadamaks, high handsome blond, became the lover of Gala. Ernst at that time was considered to be the most radical among them, unpredictable and promising artist. Paul Eluard, to visit him in Cologne, announced Ernst painting genius, offered together to write poetry, the artist called his brother and "better half." While the Dadaists played extravagance and permissiveness, theorizing, arguing about it in a cafe with his friends, Paul Trinity Dadamaks-Gala managed to play this absurdist drama.
Eluard in this performance at the outset behaved provocatively, then claiming an American journalist: "I love Max Ernst more Gala", then complaining to a friend: "You can not imagine how hard it is to have a Russian wife." He was clearly pushed into the arms of Galu artist. Gala was nervous at first, even suffering, causing irritation in the same Tristan Tzara, who wrote: "It's boring, it's unbearable! She spoiled us all holiday air. "
Max Ernst leaves his family, his wife and child (son's name Minimax) comes from Cologne to Paris passport Fields and stops at Eluard, with whom and in whose charge will live for almost two years. Gala is trapped: she is in love with the artist and still loves her husband. One gets the "marriage-way" and again accused of only around her, "the witch and fury." But Ernst, having apparently stable psyche, creating new paintings, painting the walls of the villa Eluard from floor to ceiling, and Paul Eluard falls into a severe depression, starts to drink, fight with friends, wander at night, not wanting to go home. The worst thing is that Paul no longer want to write poetry. He admired Max, helping him financially, buying paintings by Ernst. Furious parents Paul expressed a desire to sever ties with son Max, but he reiterated that this is impossible, since Max Ernst – genius.
In early 1924, Paul disappears, leaving only a note to his father, which is borrowed from the cash register 17 thousand. Francs. His wife he did not write. She even considered to begin to paint ties and capes, sell them in Montmartre, but finally, two months later, a letter came from the field in which he said that is in Tahiti, and writes about his love for her. Gala acts decisively: Get away from her husband in the mail proxy for doing business, it sells at auction Drouot collection of paintings and values u200bu200bof the proceeds to give back and buys a ticket to Saigon for yourself ... and Max Ernst. After separation, they reunited in Saigon. But the couple got back together; Ernst finally started his own life. Friends enthusiastically welcome "resurrected" Eluard and Gala, as always, is guilty of all sins.
New Destiny: a woman without a past
Great muse again foretold, this time to elect a new, worldwide fame and fortune.
The biggest mystery how she managed to "roll out" of Salvador Dali. In snobbish circles in Paris, no one sympathized with her. Therefore, and her new lover, a clumsy, rather annoying. Salvador Dali was pretty weak. But then he drank and grew, and grew up breathing very quickly, of course, fully earning the reputation of a great painter and author of several brilliant ideas. Subsequent stages of promotion of the world famous "brand" Dali well known. The first ten years have gone on to convince the wealthy elite that Dali – it is fashionable, stylish and expensive. Couple worked tirelessly. Gradually there were customers from among the wealthy aristocrats, but a decisive role in the fate of the artist played American admirers. After the exhibition in New York in 1934, after the successful experience in advertising career of Salvador Dali abruptly went up the hill.
Up until the war El Salvador – Gala fix success in Europe. Constantly revolving in a circle of wealthy customers, and organize two more high-profile exhibitions in the United States. In the Paris Surrealists environment especially condemned and discussed contacts with the "new Italian" billionaires – approximate Mussolini. This is characteristic of the artist: while his former colleagues and great friends – Aragon, Breton, Eluard – rushing, care about cleanliness series surrealists, join the Communist Party, discuss the policy of Stalin, weep because of the murder of Trotsky, Dali works, earning the name, money, leads a comfortable lifestyle, and painted portraits of those who can pay close ally of Franco, for example. The artist calls himself a convinced "dalinistom." Mainspring of this duo is the Gala. It is present around when "baby Dali" works – solitaires, wondering or reading, holding his hand when he, trembling with fear, crossing the Atlantic by ship. Gala prepares contracts, receives money and write the checks. Writer Anais Nin suggests that even the Americans struck organizational skills Gala.
Gala is confident ahead of his ward and teaches us not to look back at the ghosts of the past. Calmly and decisively Gala suit their departure from Europe to America in August 1940 – according to legend, she "saw" great war long before that in their maps. Salvador Dali constantly holding your life anchor Gala hand, feels relaxed and enthusiastic. Over the next eight years will be built production, uninterrupted giving money. Intellectuals, former friends and associates Dali confusing and annoying not even what the artist is very expensive sells its magnificent paintings. Dali in America endlessly repeated. He replicates the image spreads hours, crutches, grasshoppers, ants – using nothing new. Gala is recognized as something that can defeat fear impoverished old age only when products with the brand will be sold in Dali cheap supermarkets. Breton in 1942, comes up with an abusive anagram Avida Dollars (in her 12 letters of the name of the artist, it means "thirst for dollars").
Gala old age, in spite of her fear was not poor. But the age of the woman, unfortunately, can not be called a calm and peaceful. Successful anti-aging lasted until the mid-sixties, but when Gale almost seventy, she instantly turns into a little exhausted old lady, she aggravated phobia appear depression, constant fatigue and bouts of irritability. Phobias Gala back in the forties, gradually began to fear ill and fear of losing cash. Therefore, going on a journey, she always carried with them a huge bag of medicines and a huge suitcase full of banknotes.
Charter alone manage a huge undertaking, Gala 1962 hiring secretaries and keeps staff of assistants. Some of the trustees steal or betray the famous couple. In an effort to feel young and beloved Gala constantly gets himself young lovers, who gave a good-natured calls "rhinoceros". True to form, Gala tries to help these young men spend astronomical sums on them, trying to organize their careers, but young men are ungrateful.
For Gala already intolerable to reside with her husband. Gala is often absent, traveling with his friends, then moves to the castle in Pubol, Dali built for her. Dali is not averse to show off in public, surrounded by young beauties Amanda Lear or nanites Kalashnikoff. But he also quickly grows old, and to maintain the force ... he needs Gala.
In January 1980, while his wife sick with influenza. They are located in New York, a luxury hotel, in the royal apartments; one 86, the other 76 years old. Within days, the couple did not leave the room, comes to them only by their lawyer. At the Gala, according to eyewitnesses, showing signs of dementia. Irritated at the slightest pretext, she accepted pounding Dali, literally beating him, his face rastsarapyvaya their huge stones rings, he – is able to hit her with his cane. Dali was afraid that he was poisoned. Gala gives her husband a huge amount of drugs and he develops toxemia; emaciated, trembling artist with crazy eyes full of fear day and night. But even during bouts of depression, he demands that all the time with him was his wife. Gala forced to abandon Jeff: "Blond Angel", her next "superstar" is no longer willing to follow her from America to Spain, leaving the old woman in the marital hell. Wife brutally fight, when quarreling, and the servants have to make sure that they are not crippled each other.
Leather Gala in terrible condition: because of the frequent "pull" it is constantly cracks and becomes infected. Night Dali lies next to his wife, on the next bed, but asks to make the screen – it is unable to make a terrible kind of Gala. Before her death, she refuses to accept his daughter. Gala was buried in the castle Pubol in June 1982 Dali wanted to settle there, in Púbol, in a house where there is a crypt of his wife. He was survived by her seven years.

automatic translate
Gala - Salvador Dali's muse
No matter how angry Madame Grendel, trying to reason with her son - she quietly resigned! Pet of all native 17-year-old mother of Eugene stir two ideas - become a poet and marry the girl that was in a tuberculosis sanatorium in Switzerland.
After parting after a year, they spent in the resort, they always corresponded for two years. Muscovite Elena Dyakonov called herself the letters "Gala" in the French manner. She graduated from the prestigious school, talked about her love and talk about literature. By signing the letter, "your fiancee." She convinced the parents that he would go to continue his studies at the Sorbonne. Eugene almost 20 years, he produced a small booklet of poems, signed "Paul-Eugène Grendel."
The war begins. Paul was drafted into the army, but most of the time are in different hospitals. His mother, a little sigh, agreed to let the girl come to France.
In the autumn of 1916 breaking a dangerous path in wartime, Gala arrives in Paris and stops at the apartment of his parents of the groom. She left Russia forever. In the suitcase strange Russian girl icon, three novels of Dostoevsky, letters Fields and spirits' favorite bouquet Empress. "
Life in pink light
Elena and Eugene, ie Gala and Paul were married in early 1917. They lived together for more than twelve years. During this time Paul wrote poetry and loved one woman participated in the turbulent life of young poets Dadaists. Until 1927, Paul worked in the office of his father - and has always been financially secure. Young often went to rest on the Cote d'Azur and Monte Carlo, where the gala was already used to play: in the mid-twenties, they started buying paintings and a collection of rare items to collect. Their daughter Sessil, born in 1918, has lived with his grandmother Grendel as Gala is incapable of experiencing maternal feelings.
The charm and enchantment Gala very selective. Once upon a time, before the wedding, she said to Paul: "I do not like to have friends." Friends meet her the same - the closest associates of Paul: André Breton, Louis Aragon and Tristan Tzara never spoke of it flattering, suffered her presence for the sake of Eluard.
You can imagine how the whole company responded when in 1922 the German Dadaist painter, Max Ernst, Dadamaks, high handsome blond, became the lover of Gala. Ernst at that time was considered to be the most radical among them, unpredictable and promising artist. Paul Eluard, to visit him in Cologne, announced Ernst painting genius, offered together to write poetry, the artist called his brother and "better half." While the Dadaists played extravagance and permissiveness, theorizing, arguing about it in a cafe with his friends, Paul Trinity Dadamaks-Gala managed to play this absurdist drama.
Eluard in this performance at the outset behaved provocatively, then claiming an American journalist: "I love Max Ernst more Gala", then complaining to a friend: "You can not imagine how hard it is to have a Russian wife." He was clearly pushed into the arms of Galu artist. Gala was nervous at first, even suffering, causing irritation in the same Tristan Tzara, who wrote: "It's boring, it's unbearable! She spoiled us all holiday air. "
Max Ernst leaves his family, his wife and child (son's name Minimax) comes from Cologne to Paris passport Fields and stops at Eluard, with whom and in whose charge will live for almost two years. Gala is trapped: she is in love with the artist and still loves her husband. One gets the "marriage-way" and again accused of only around her, "the witch and fury." But Ernst, having apparently stable psyche, creating new paintings, painting the walls of the villa Eluard from floor to ceiling, and Paul Eluard falls into a severe depression, starts to drink, fight with friends, wander at night, not wanting to go home. The worst thing is that Paul no longer want to write poetry. He admired Max, helping him financially, buying paintings by Ernst. Furious parents Paul expressed a desire to sever ties with son Max, but he reiterated that this is impossible, since Max Ernst - genius.
In early 1924, Paul disappears, leaving only a note to his father, which is borrowed from the cash register 17 thousand. Francs. His wife he did not write. She even considered to begin to paint ties and capes, sell them in Montmartre, but finally, two months later, a letter came from the field in which he said that is in Tahiti, and writes about his love for her. Gala acts decisively: Get away from her husband in the mail proxy for doing business, it sells at auction Drouot collection of paintings and values u200bu200bof the proceeds to give back and buys a ticket to Saigon for yourself ... and Max Ernst. After separation, they reunited in Saigon. But the couple got back together; Ernst finally started his own life. Friends enthusiastically welcome "resurrected" Eluard and Gala, as always, is guilty of all sins.
New Destiny: a woman without a past
Great muse again foretold, this time to elect a new, worldwide fame and fortune.
The biggest mystery how she managed to "roll out" of Salvador Dali. In snobbish circles in Paris, no one sympathized with her. Therefore, and her new lover, a clumsy, rather annoying. Salvador Dali was pretty weak. But then he drank and grew, and grew up breathing very quickly, of course, fully earning the reputation of a great painter and author of several brilliant ideas. Subsequent stages of promotion of the world famous "brand" Dali well known. The first ten years have gone on to convince the wealthy elite that Dali - it is fashionable, stylish and expensive. Couple worked tirelessly. Gradually there were customers from among the wealthy aristocrats, but a decisive role in the fate of the artist played American admirers. After the exhibition in New York in 1934, after the successful experience in advertising career of Salvador Dali abruptly went up the hill.
Up until the war El Salvador - Gala fix success in Europe. Constantly revolving in a circle of wealthy customers, and organize two more high-profile exhibitions in the United States. In the Paris Surrealists environment especially condemned and discussed contacts with the "new Italian" billionaires - approximate Mussolini. This is characteristic of the artist: while his former colleagues and great friends - Aragon, Breton, Eluard - rushing, care about cleanliness series surrealists, join the Communist Party, discuss the policy of Stalin, weep because of the murder of Trotsky, Dali works, earning the name, money, leads a comfortable lifestyle, and painted portraits of those who can pay close ally of Franco, for example. The artist calls himself a convinced "dalinistom." Mainspring of this duo is the Gala. It is present around when "baby Dali" works - solitaires, wondering or reading, holding his hand when he, trembling with fear, crossing the Atlantic by ship. Gala prepares contracts, receives money and write the checks. Writer Anais Nin suggests that even the Americans struck organizational skills Gala.
Gala is confident ahead of his ward and teaches us not to look back at the ghosts of the past. Calmly and decisively Gala suit their departure from Europe to America in August 1940 - according to legend, she "saw" great war long before that in their maps. Salvador Dali constantly holding your life anchor Gala hand, feels relaxed and enthusiastic. Over the next eight years will be built production, uninterrupted giving money. Intellectuals, former friends and associates Dali confusing and annoying not even what the artist is very expensive sells its magnificent paintings. Dali in America endlessly repeated. He replicates the image spreads hours, crutches, grasshoppers, ants - using nothing new. Gala is recognized as something that can defeat fear impoverished old age only when products with the brand will be sold in Dali cheap supermarkets. Breton in 1942, comes up with an abusive anagram Avida Dollars (in her 12 letters of the name of the artist, it means "thirst for dollars").
Gala old age, in spite of her fear was not poor. But the age of the woman, unfortunately, can not be called a calm and peaceful. Successful anti-aging lasted until the mid-sixties, but when Gale almost seventy, she instantly turns into a little exhausted old lady, she aggravated phobia appear depression, constant fatigue and bouts of irritability. Phobias Gala back in the forties, gradually began to fear ill and fear of losing cash. Therefore, going on a journey, she always carried with them a huge bag of medicines and a huge suitcase full of banknotes.
Charter alone manage a huge undertaking, Gala 1962 hiring secretaries and keeps staff of assistants. Some of the trustees steal or betray the famous couple. In an effort to feel young and beloved Gala constantly gets himself young lovers, who gave a good-natured calls "rhinoceros". True to form, Gala tries to help these young men spend astronomical sums on them, trying to organize their careers, but young men are ungrateful.
For Gala already intolerable to reside with her husband. Gala is often absent, traveling with his friends, then moves to the castle in Pubol, Dali built for her. Dali is not averse to show off in public, surrounded by young beauties Amanda Lear or nanites Kalashnikoff. But he also quickly grows old, and to maintain the force ... he needs Gala.
In January 1980, while his wife sick with influenza. They are located in New York, a luxury hotel, in the royal apartments; one 86, the other 76 years old. Within days, the couple did not leave the room, comes to them only by their lawyer. At the Gala, according to eyewitnesses, showing signs of dementia. Irritated at the slightest pretext, she accepted pounding Dali, literally beating him, his face rastsarapyvaya their huge stones rings, he - is able to hit her with his cane. Dali was afraid that he was poisoned. Gala gives her husband a huge amount of drugs and he develops toxemia; emaciated, trembling artist with crazy eyes full of fear day and night. But even during bouts of depression, he demands that all the time with him was his wife. Gala forced to abandon Jeff: "Blond Angel", her next "superstar" is no longer willing to follow her from America to Spain, leaving the old woman in the marital hell. Wife brutally fight, when quarreling, and the servants have to make sure that they are not crippled each other.
Leather Gala in terrible condition: because of the frequent "pull" it is constantly cracks and becomes infected. Night Dali lies next to his wife, on the next bed, but asks to make the screen - it is unable to make a terrible kind of Gala. Before her death, she refuses to accept his daughter. Gala was buried in the castle Pubol in June 1982 Dali wanted to settle there, in Púbol, in a house where there is a crypt of his wife. He was survived by her seven years.
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