Hans The Younger Holbein
It’s more the Middle Ages. It’s there when it was still possible to write such a painting that shook the modern inhabitants and stunning next generation until the present day.
Hans The Younger Holbein Paintings outside this album

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The Body of the Dead Christ in the Tomb, Holbein the Younger
It’s more the Middle Ages. It’s there when it was still possible to write such a painting that shook the modern inhabitants and stunning next generation until the present day. Then a little more could depart from the interpretation of the writing of Christ, using some turmoil in the religion and has not raged Inquisition. Hans Holbein the Younger took advantage of this and wrote, perhaps, very scary and strange, mysterious picture.
Everything in it is not so, all frighteningly natural. Had not yet accustomed to perceive everything in reality and mainly Lord portrayed in a more dignified manner. But it is not so! Said that it was part of the altar. It is hard to imagine that there was such Altar. Just wondering what he looked like. After all, what’s interesting, the rest of the altar is not found then the researchers decided that this one picture. That is, there are no parts, and there was no altar – it’s just one painting, but an unusual format. It is extended. Christ on the canvas lies and lies in not quite priglyadnom form already shows signs of decomposition, rolled his eyes, grin mouth skewed, clenched hands and feet, sunken belly, beard sticking up a peg. And all this in a creepy gray-yellow tones on a white sheet.
This painting is forced contemporaries flinch at the sight of her. It was the same from generation to generation. One of those who saw this painting was Dostoevsky. Seeing what is depicted on the canvas writer stopped and stood for a long time in absolute shock. He stared at the picture, his face contorted just mask the pain and surprise, shock and delight. Present with him, even his wife was scared for him, as a rule, these emotions manifest themselves only before an epileptic seizure. But the paintings that did not happen, such a reaction is the writer happened because of the picture. But nowhere later Dostoevsky wrote his impressions, except in the novel "The Idiot", where the prince claimed that seeing such utter faith and now you can lose.
And it really is practically the first time an artist has deprived the image of Christ piety. That is on the canvas in front of us is not God, but a simple man who suffered a martyr’s death. It is this simplicity and amazed to see coming to the canvas. But at the same time the church was not at all against it, otherwise we will be with you not seen this masterpiece, which is still amazing. This picture is even regretted the Inquisition, which is a bit strange, because this clearly departed from the usual image of subjects.
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