Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528)
1471,1528Albrecht Durer was born in Nuremberg, May 21, 1471. His father moved from Hungary to the middle of the fifteenth century and was known as the best jeweler. The family had eighteen children, the future artist was born the third. Dürer early childhood helped dad in the studio for jewelry work, and he laid on his son hopes. But those dreams come true is not destined, because the talent of young Dürer started early, and his father accepted that the child does not become a master jeweler.
Albrecht Dürer Paintings outside this album

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Albrecht Durer was born in Nuremberg, May 21, 1471. His father moved from Hungary to the middle of the fifteenth century and was known as the best jeweler. The family had eighteen children, the future artist was born the third.
Dürer early childhood helped dad in the studio for jewelry work, and he laid on his son hopes. But those dreams come true is not destined, because the talent of young Dürer started early, and his father accepted that the child does not become a master jeweler. At the time of the Nuremberg workshop of artist Michael Wohlgemuth was very popular and had an impeccable reputation, which is why there was sent Albrecht at the age of 15 years. Wohlgemuth was not only a great artist, but also skillfully worked on engraving on wood, copper, and perfectly conveys his knowledge diligent student.
When you have finished studying in 1940, Dürer wrote his first painting "Portrait of the Father" and went on a journey to learn the skills of other artists, and gain new experiences. He visited many cities in Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands, raising its level in the visual arts. Caught in Colmar, Albrecht had the opportunity to work in the studio of the famous painter Martin Schongauer, but he did not meet with renowned artist personally, because the year before Martin died. But the amazing creativity Schonhauer strongly influenced the young artist is reflected in the new paintings in uncharacteristic style.
While in Strasbourg in 1493 Dürer receives a letter from his father, where he reported on the agreement of marriage of his son to the daughter of a friend. Upon his return to Nuremberg, the young artist played a wedding with Agnes Frey, the daughter of a coppersmith, mechanic and musician. By marriage, Albrecht raise their social status and could now have their own business, as the wife's family was respected. The artist painted in 1495 portrait of his wife called "My Agnes." Happy marriage can not be named because his wife was not interested in art, but they lived together until his death. The couple was childless and left no descendants behind.
Popularity outside Germany came to Albrecht with copper and wood engravings in a large number of copies, when he returned from Italy. The artist opened his own workshop, where he published engravings, in the very first series was his assistant Anton Koberger. In his native Nuremberg master had more freedom, and Albrecht applied new technology in the creation of prints and began to sell them. Talented painter collaborated with well-known artists and performed work for the famous Nuremberg publications. And in 1498 Albrecht executed woodcuts for publication "Apocalypse" and was already well known in Europe. It was during this period, the artist joined the circle of the Nuremberg humanists, who led Kondrat Tseltis.
After in 1505 in Venice, Dürer met and adopted with respect and honor, and the artist has performed for the German church altarpiece "Holiday rosary." Find here the Venetian school, painter changed his style of work. Creativity Albrecht was very much appreciated in Venice, and the council offered money for maintenance, but a talented artist still went to his hometown.
Glory Albrecht Durer is increasing every year, his work was respected and recognizable. At Nuremberg he bought for himself a huge house in Tsisselgasse, where you can visit and these days, there is a house-museum named after Dürer. Faced with the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I, the artist has shown previously painted two portraits of his predecessors. The Emperor was delighted with the paintings and immediately made an order of his portrait, but was unable to pay on the spot, so it became an annual pay Dürer a decent prize. When Maximilian died, stopped paying the premium, and the artist went on a journey to restore justice, but he did not succeed. And at the end of the trip Albrecht ill unknown disease, possibly malaria and suffered from bouts remaining years.
His last years of his life Dürer worked as a painter, one of the most important paintings presented to City Council considered the "Four Apostles". Researchers work of famous artists come to controversy, someone sees this picture four temperaments, and someone Durer response to differences in religion. But Albrecht carried to the grave his thoughts on the matter. Eight years after the disease A. Dürer died on April 6, 1528 in the city and was born.
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