Constructive drawing of a human head:
Sheet composition
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Sheet composition
The drawing of a person’s head begins with a search for a compositional solution of the sheet space in which the drawing will be created. Getting to the compositional solution of the sheet space, it is necessary to choose the position from which you will draw the person’s head, and determine the problem. What will be your drawing? A constructive linear pattern, a constructive pattern with a partial introduction of a tone without a background, or a constructive tone pattern with a background on?
If the drawing is constructive and linear, then it is enough to find the mass of the future drawing of the human head proportional to the space of the sheet, resembling an ellipse, and place it slightly above the center of the sheet. We remind you that the head pattern should not be too large in the sheet, but the space of the sheet should not dissolve it either.
If you are not familiar with the basics of composition, then all this can be done based on your feelings. If you know the basics of composition, use the proportion of the "golden section". Composition is an addition. Your task is to add the selected space of the sheet with a picture in this space. The ratio of two spaces to each other (drawing and sheet) is a proportion that should be close to the proportions of the "golden section". This is harmony.
If your goal is a constructive drawing with a partial introduction of a tone without a background, then you need to make a small sketch. In the sketch for a constructive tone pattern without a background, it is necessary to find the proportional ratio of the tone spot of the head pattern to the sheet of paper.
In the tone spot, you need to find the amount of dark tone corresponding to the own shadow of the head pattern, and see if this leads to an imbalance in the composition of the sheet. Does your drawing seem to shift to the side? Slightly move the mass of the head pattern in the sheet to a sense of balance. This way you create a balance in the composition between the tonal spots of the head pattern and the sheet space.
Performing a constructive tonal pattern of the human head with the inclusion of the background composition, it is also necessary to create a small sketch. In it, the tonal relations of the background and the shadow part of the head pattern will be very close, the illuminated part of the head will be the active spot. In the previous versions, you found proportional ratios of the mass of the spot of the head to the amount of leaf. Here you must find the proportional relationship between the spot mass of the illuminated part of the head, the background and the shadow part of the head.
Perhaps the size of the head in the figure will increase, but this requires the composition of the sheet. Find the balance of tone spots, that is, create the tone design of the graphic sheet, and proceed to the constructive drawing of the person’s head.
In general, draw a mass of the head on the sheet. If you are performing a drawing from a plaster copy, you must include in this mass and base, that is, what the drawn copy of the head is on. Drawing a person’s living head will pose a problem for you: what to include in the drawing? The head; head and neck; head, neck and shoulder girdle; head and neck without a shoulder girdle? And how to separate them?
Divide along a closed border passing through two points that correspond to the jugular fossa and the seventh cervical vertebra. You can also end up with a shirt collar or knitwear item.
Have you decided? Next, make sure that the proportional relationship between the mass of the head and the surrounding sheet space is correct. Then find the proportional relationship between the height and width of the selected mass, checking the result with nature, and proceed to the constructive drawing (analysis) of the human head.
The first and very serious stumbling block is the proportional relationship in the figure between the parts and the whole. Feel free to visually compare the parts of nature between themselves and the whole, using a pencil as a measuring device. The eyes need to be trusted, but in the educational drawing of the head it is better to measure and compare more.
Learn to conduct the comparison process correctly and consistently. To the remark about incorrect proportional relations in the figure, the answer is typical: “I measured”. Wrongly found proportional relations of two parts will give the wrong proportion. The participation of the wrong proportion in further proportional relations gives rise to a mass of incorrect proportions.
Pay your attention once again to the two proportional segments obtained: one corresponds to the height of the person’s head in the sheet, and the other to its width. Moreover, the second segment was obtained by comparing it with the first, that is, when answering the question: how much is the width of the entire mass of the head less than its height?
Thus, the segment drawn by you and corresponding to the height of the head is the most accurate and most correct segment in the figure.
Try to compare all subsequent values corresponding to certain parts of the head with it - this is the standard.
This segment is large and not convenient in the search for proportional relations. Divide it into an equal number of parts, compare the obtained segments with nature and determine which parts of the person’s head they correspond. Mark these values in your drawing. With this action you will find a module (standard) of a smaller size, with which it will be convenient to conduct a further search for proportional relations in the figure.
Next Constructive construction of the human head
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