Pastel practice:
Harmony of colors
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Harmony of colors
The harmony used in a picturesque work of flowers, regardless of their characteristics, is the key to its perfection when viewed from the point of view of aesthetics. Many works differ in the harmony of the color system, which is based not on contrast, but on the relatedness of tones, in other words, on a combination of colors that are in harmony with each other. The pastel has almost unlimited possibilities for harmonizing colors, as it is very rich in shades. This is understandable, since color harmony is more important than pure color, but shade.
Examples of exemplary color harmony are work done using the grisaille technique or similar color tones, such as blue, purple, raspberry, yellow or pink, brown, gray, brown, yellow, etc.
Although pastel has a very high hiding power, nevertheless, sometimes it is quite difficult to achieve that the color, on top of which a new one is superimposed, does not shine through.
The pigment color superimposed on top will hide the lower one only if the color of the base is lighter than the superimposed background. This means that the work must begin with the lightest colors, gradually moving to the use of darker ones.
Those colors that can be attributed to one group are related, for example, reddish, bluish, greenish, golden, pearl, etc. And at the same time, the quality of the harmony of colors especially depends on how wide the range of intermediate shades with which the coloring of the work is formed. Therefore, kinship and color harmony is based more on the ratio of shades, rather than pure colors.
Colors like blue benefit significantly from the lack of sharp contrasts and in combination with closer colors. To achieve special expressiveness of gray and white can only combine them with a color such as yellow, which in a different situation can create a very bright contrast. Gray and white colors contribute to the overall harmonization of color, dimming the brightness of some tones.
Color schemes
All colors can be divided into three main ranges: light, warm and cold tones. Warm colors include such colors as yellow, orange, red, reddish and tan, and similar related colors. The range of cold colors includes blue, gray, bright green, raspberry and some purple colors. The gamut of light tones includes colors that are close to warm or cold, they have an indefinite or close to gray hue, since these colors are the result of numerous blends and usually do not differ in strong saturation. The choice of warm, light or cold colors is an extremely important aspect of the artist’s individual creative manner. For this reason, many pastelists seeking to emphasize their style are looking for original color schemes within the same gamut.
This composition is composed of light tones, which perfectly demonstrates the idea of color harmony.
An important way to achieve color harmony is to use a limited set of colors, abstracti