Spbgorritual.ru opens a representative office in St. Petersburg
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Now residents of the northern capital can be sure that in times of great grief, professionals will help them. The state funeral home - Spbgorritual.ru is opening a separate branch in the city, which will operate according to standard principles for the company - that is, all services will be provided here, and the pricing policy will be calculated only in favor of citizens.
What services are provided
On the main website of the bureau you can study the names of the services provided. In a general sense, it should be noted that at Spbgorritual.ru the relatives of the deceased can use all funeral services known today. It is enough to study the approximate list, and everything will become clear:
- psychological help;
- documentary support, including receiving targeted benefits;
- approval of a cemetery plot;
- transportation arrangements;
- coordination of procedures in the district morgue;
- provision of ritual supplies;
- actual burial of the body with transportation (ritual movers are provided);
- accompaniment of ritual and memorial processions;
In addition to these designated services, which are essentially standard, more complex ones are also provided, such as cremation or subburial. The first is carried out in special institutions - crematoria, and requires mandatory professional support. The second is placing the body of the deceased in an active grave in which his relative rests.
Cost of services
You need to pay attention to the official form of the bureau. Being completely state-owned, it must act according to certain standards and principles. In terms of cost, there must be full compliance with relevant legislation that sets prices for a particular region.
A certain qualification has been introduced for St. Petersburg, beyond which you cannot go, no matter how much the funeral service staff would like it. Such an agreement may serve as evidence of a violation of legal requirements, and for this reason the bureau may have big problems.
Consequently, there cannot be any markups and, especially, exorbitant prices here. There is a clear price list for each item, for which a fixed price has been established. The services themselves are divided into packages - from preferential (the most affordable) to a premium package, calculated in accordance with the wishes (capabilities) of the relatives of the deceased. This is being done so that every citizen, regardless of financial situation, can receive targeted assistance here.
Ritual service in St. Petersburg: https://spbgorritual.ru/
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