Press-releases 16.09.2020 10.09.2020
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Exhibition "Summer 2.0"
16.09.2020 Exhibition of plein air works of graduates and students of the Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after IN AND. Surikov.
Exhibition of Sofia Akimova and Svetlana Malakhova "NUDE" 18+
16.09.2020 On September 25, a group exhibition of Sofia Akimova and Svetlana Malakhova "Nudity" (18+) will open at the Exposed Art Center.
Exhibition "Vanguard. On a cart in the XXI century" 6+
16.09.2020 Yeltsin Center together with the "Encyclopedia of Russian Avant-garde" represent "AvangardOn a Cart in the XXI Century ”- the first exhibition in the history of the study of Russian art, revealing the history of the display of contemporary art, unprecedented for provincial cities.
Exhibition "Benoit & Fokine"
16.09.2020 2020 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of theater artist Alexander Nikolaevich Benois and the 140th anniversary of the birth of ballet dancer and choreographer Mikhail Mikhailovich Fokin.
"Rule of exclusivity"
16.09.2020 The Takeda company together with the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts presents the exhibition project “The Rule of Exclusivity” in the northern capital of Russia within the framework of the international social project “Takeda.
Exhibition of graphics by Olga Yukhtina-Geygan "Out of a suitcase"
16.09.2020 The works of Olga Yukhtina-Geygan presented in the exposition are a landing from London. Their appearance in St. Petersburg in a small suitcase turned into this small exhibition. Her graphics, like her painting, are multi-layered.
Relatives of veterans donated 15 paintings to the museum
16.09.2020 September 10, within the framework of the exhibition “Glory - Do Not Fade! Traditions - to live! " in the Gallery of Siberian Art of the Irkutsk Art Museum. VP
Pairing textures. Tapestry & Glass 6+
16.09.2020 On September 18, at 19:00, the Belyaevo gallery of the Moscow Exhibition Halls Association will host the opening of the exhibition “Combining texturesTapestry and Glass ”, which will feature works by leading Moscow decorative artists, as well as projects by students of the British Higher School of Design.
Enchanted forest 5+
16.09.2020 The life of fairy-tale characters, like a human, is like an enchanted forest, in which it is not immediately possible to find the right pathWhat to do: choose material goods or follow your dream, let your soul open up? With the help of fabulous means, magical transformations, meetings with the Sorcerer and Baba Yaga, thanks to the active participation of the audience, we together get out of the enchanted forest.
Cinderella 6+
16.09.2020 This is the most charming fairy tale in the world - a romantic, magical fairy tale about love and crystal happiness. She has a premonition of something extraordinary, there are unexpected, magical twists of fate. A pleasant surprise awaits you: for a few moments each of you will turn out to be Cinderella!
Kingdom of crooked mirrors 6+
16.09.2020 Musical performance in two acts for children from 6 years old and schoolchildren of primary grades.
The Frog Princess 5+
16.09.2020 Unprecedented miracles in a fairy tale familiar from childhood! It often happens that in life, and even more so in a fairy tale, everything may turn out to be completely different from what it seems at first glance: an ordinary frog can turn into a beautiful princess, and, on the contrary, a noble noblewoman will turn out to be worse than a snakeAbout what tests the fairy-tale heroes have to go through in order to find true love, and how they will cope with them, see our play "The Frog Princess".
I will not ask for forgiveness 4+
16.09.2020 This is a touching story about a child who, getting into different life situations, as a result of the experience gained, comes to the conclusion that MAMA means in his life and that mom needs to be loved...
Group exhibition "Nostalgia for the present"
16.09.2020 entrance 2А, 2nd floor Digital Art Center Artplay Media Author and curator of the project: Olga Krasutskaya Konstantin Khudyakov, head of the experimental creative workshops of the TSHR and PO RAKh Foundation for the Promotion of Visual Art "Vizart", TSHR, with the participation of the Volga Branch of the Russian Academy of Arts, with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, with the information support of the international artistic Internet resource Gallerix
Exhibition of Nikolai Alekseevich Rothko "Caravan of Time"
10.09.2020 On September 11 at 16.00 at the Information-Educational and Exhibition Center of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin st., 103, second floor) the exhibition of Nikolai Alekseevich Rothko "The Caravan of Time" will open.