Press-releases 19.10.2019 18.10.2019
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19.10.2019 “Paints in painting only possess power and expressiveness when they are used in their pure form.”
Alexander Tsyplakov. "The Secret of the Obvious"
19.10.2019 The solo exhibition “The Secret of the Obvious” by Alexander Tsyplakov, a Moscow artist, organizer and participant in the creative association “Romantics of Realism”, will be held in the hall of the Moscow Artists’ Association on Tverskaya-Yamskaya, October 20-26, 2019.
"A3 / 33"
19.10.2019 October 17, 2019 Gallery A3 of the Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" opens the exhibition-action.
They fought for their homeland
19.10.2019 On October 16, an exhibition dedicated to the 76th anniversary of the liberation of Kaluga from Nazi invaders will open in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (103 Lenin St., second floor, small gray room).
19.10.2019 November 22, 2019 at the Artefice Gallery opens a personal exhibition of Vitaly Valge “ARCHITECTURE. ROTUNDUS URBI. "
Anniversary exhibition of Irina Nesterova. Historical space
19.10.2019 Irina Nesterova, a contemporary Russian artist, writes in a realistic manner, studying and continuing the traditions of many great masters of Russian art and cultureThe main feature of the master is a peculiar transfer of the atmosphere of life of another era in architecture and in the image of the monuments of Moscow antiquity.
Exhibition "Lyubov Popova: Form - Color - Space"
18.10.2019 Lyubov Popova (1889–1924) - painter, art theorist and designer, one of the “Amazons” of the Russian avant-garde, researcher, experimenter and founder of a new aesthetics of the early XX century; she is the only artist whom George Kostaki called by name, even though she was not personally acquainted with her.
Exhibition "Educational Drawing"
18.10.2019 The exhibition "Educational drawing" is dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the creation of a workshop of monumental painting by the national artist of Russia, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, professor Alexander Kirovich Bystrov at the StPetersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I.
"Swiss campaign of Suvorov"
18.10.2019 220 years ago, on September 21, 1799, the Swiss campaign of Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov (1730–1800) began: the transfer of Russian troops from Italy to Switzerland through the Alps during the 2nd coalition war against France.
Exhibition of the artist Eva "Rus"
18.10.2019 The museum of Russian contemporary art POP UP MUSEUM will open a personal exhibition of the artist Eva "Rus." The event will be supported by the Faculty of Arts, Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov, the British Higher School of Arts and Design, the Russian Patrons Fund for the Support of Arts and Museum Activities, the MoRA Museum of Russian Art in New Jersey, EVA Gallery, ARCH Design, Nikolskaya GalleryUntil December 31, 2019, on an area of more than a thousand square meters, you can see 120 works by the author of various artistic forms: painting, sculpture, video art, graphics and digital art.
Sulkarnayn Ismail. Augmented Reality 16+
18.10.2019 Erarta Museum of Modern Art presents the first exhibition in Russia by Malaysian artist Zulkarnayn Ismail, who became famous for surrealistic works created using the technique of photo manipulation.
Alexey Ruman. Leave the body as a souvenir 16+
18.10.2019 Erarta Museum presents the exhibition of the Russian artist Alexei Rouman "Leave the body as a keepsake"
Solo performance storytelling "Between"
18.10.2019 23.11 at 19.00.
The play "Meek"
18.10.2019 02.11 at 19.00.
Exhibition "I’m not a robot. Wrong answer!"
18.10.2019 Artists: Alexey Vasiliev and Julia Agenosova Curator: Maria Mayorova The art project of Alexey Vasiliev and Julia Agenosova “I am not a robotThe wrong answer! ”Is a futuristic forecast for the development of mankind, the thought of two artists about the human in Man in an era of impending technological singularity and the emergence of the phenomenon of“ posthuman ”.