Press-releases 02.03.2019 02.03.2019
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"History of Moscow for children and adults"
02.03.2019 The history of the Moscow region from the Stone Age to the era of Peter I.
Lives. Vyacheslav Ershov
02.03.2019 Gallery "Artist’s Studio" and The Current Gallery, 3rd floor.
"Academy of chamber music"
02.03.2019 March 3 at 16:00 in the Perm Gallery will host a concert "Academy of chamber music." His program will present three string quartets of different musical eras performed by soloists of the MusicAeterna orchestra.
Exhibition of works by the creative workshop of Valeria LOSHAK "FLOWERS AND BIRDS", 0+
02.03.2019 Design club gallery, 2nd floor.
Lecture Hall from the Branches of the Museum of Moscow
02.03.2019 The historians of the branches of the Museum of Moscow will tell about Pancake Week traditions in Russia and abroad:
For the whole family
02.03.2019 A real family holiday was prepared by the Children’s Center. In the courtyard of the museum will be held the Festival of Pancake week architecture. At the archestation of the Mesto project, young guests will create an art object from willow twigs dedicated to Maslenitsa.
Anna Charina #myMoscow
02.03.2019 #my Moscow is one of the most popular hashtags on Instagram. Several million people have their own capital - bright or cloudy, cheerful or dull, sparkling with lights or dirty, with uncleared snow and crumbling paving slabs. As Oscar Wilde said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Asian cosplay photo exhibition. 12+
02.03.2019 Design club gallery, 2nd floor.
Olga SHINKAREVA and Andrey EFI. Exhibition of paintings "Bright Times" 12+
02.03.2019 Gallery "Business Art", 3rd floor.
Evgeny Dobrynin. Pop Art Exhibition "CULTURE" 16+
02.03.2019 Lecture Corner Gallery, 2nd floor.
02.03.2019 An exhibition of paintings and drawings by students of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Industrial Technology and Design.
Exhibition of paintings "CLOSE TO THE SUN". Konstantin SUKHOPLYUEV 12+
02.03.2019 Gallery "Ts", 1st floor.
Lecture by Maria Moroz "Soulful landscape: Meshcherin, Levitan, Grabar"
02.03.2019 March 14 19: 00-20: 40.
Lecture of Maryana Skuratovskaya "Impressionism and Fashion"
02.03.2019 March 17 16: 00-17: 00.
Baby-performance "Forest Tale"
02.03.2019 March 03, 12.00 This is a wonderful performance for the smallest from 8 months to 2, 5 years.