Press-releases 11.04.2023 30.03.2023
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From Rose to Ray. Blue Rose and Golden Fleece. Origins and continuation
11.04.2023 The Alexander Solzhenitsyn House of Russian Abroad and the Vellum Gallery in collaboration with the Russian National Museum of Music, the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art, the Saratov State Art Museum named after AN. Radishchev, the Armenian Museum "Tapan" under the Russian and Novo-Nakhichevan Diocese of the AAC, with the support of the Russian Abroad Heritage Foundation (FNZR) and a number of major private collectors, present the exhibition project “From the Rose to the Beam.
Tatyana Bykova. Mysterious Petersburg. Painting
11.04.2023 The history of St. Petersburg is relatively young, because the city is a little over 300 years old. Petersburg has long been the capital of the empire, the political center of Russia, and it remains the cultural capital to this day.
Reporting exhibition of works by students of Children’s Art Schools and Children’s Art Schools "Symphony of Color"
10.04.2023 On April 11, in the exhibition hall of the Omsk branch of the Union of Artists of Russia (Lermontov St., 8), the city reporting exhibition-competition of children’s art schools and art schools of the city of Omsk "Symphony of Color" was opened.
Vladimir Lubarov. Kolya sees with the third eye
10.04.2023 ARTSTORY Gallery from April 20 to July 30, 2023 presents the exhibition project “Vladimir Lyubarov. Kolya sees with the third eye. The name of the exhibition has a very topical subtitle “Oil Paintings of Domestic Production”.
Kokoshnik. beauty traditions
06.04.2023 On April 12, the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve opens the exhibition Kokoshnik. beauty traditions. The exposition in the Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich will present Russian festive and everyday, women’s and girl’s headdresses of the mid-18th - late 19th centuries.
Walks along Kolomenskoye
05.04.2023 On April 5, a photo exhibition “Walks along Kolomenskoye” opened in the courtyard of the Museum of Moscow, which tells about the main attractions of the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, which is celebrating its centenary this yearThis project is the first public part of the joint work of the Museum of Moscow and the museum-reserve on a new exhibition of the project about metropolitan areas "Moscow without suburbs".
Forever living Rus’
04.04.2023 Personal exhibition of a member of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation, Kaluga artist Alexei Vitalyevich Golubev "Eternally Living Rus".
Custodians of cultural heritage
03.04.2023 "Keepers of Cultural Heritage" is a new educational project of the Museum of Moscow and the Russian Science Foundation.
Your name is Winner! I fight, I believe, I love
31.03.2023 grandiose patriotic exposition “Your name is the Winner! I fight, I believe, I love”, dedicated to the day of celebration of the 78th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
Esoteric world
31.03.2023 We invite you to the International exhibition-competition of symbolic art “the WORLD of ESOTERICS | THE WORLD OF ESOTERICS.
Aaron Buch. To the 100th anniversary of the artist
30.03.2023 The Moscow Union of Artists, with the support of private collectors, presents the exhibition “Aron Bukh. To the 100th anniversary of the artist” (1923-2006) “Painting, so be it in flight, and for me there is no other, one wing is color, the other is light,” said Aron Bukh.
Cities of Russia through the eyes of a neural network
30.03.2023 From monitors to real life, for the first time in Russia there will be an exhibition of paintings created using a neural network.
30.03.2023 The Russian State Library for Youth presents the first solo exhibition of Stepan Chubaev. Photographs of the author from 2015 to the present will be exhibited in the Small Hall.
Anniversary exhibition of paintings and drawings by Boris Messerer "Themes and Variations"
30.03.2023 The Russian Academy of Arts presents the anniversary exhibition project of Boris Asafovich Messerer, an outstanding master of fine arts, the patriarch of Russian scenography, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation and Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts "Themes and Variations"The retrospective exhibition includes about 100 paintings and graphic works of the author, including portraits, landscapes and still lifes, which were not previously presented to the general public.
Anniversary exhibition of graphics by Alexei Shmarinov
30.03.2023 The Russian Academy of Arts presents a retrospective exhibition of works by the People’s Artist of the Russian Federation and Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Alexei Dementievich Shmarinov, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the masterThe exposition will include more than 50 watercolors, graphic works from the series "Zadonshchina", "Heroes of the Russian people of the XIII-XV centuries", "Battle of Kulikovo" and a series of illustrations for the collection "On the Kulikovo Field".