Press-releases 05.12.2018 01.12.2018
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"Great Catherine" 12+
05.12.2018 On December 7 and 14, on the stage of the Cultural Center "Architects" in the project of the actor and director of the Taganka Theater - Erwin Haaz, artists of modern Russian theater and cinema.
"Years." Exhibition of works by Boris Nepomniachtchi
05.12.2018 Boris Nepomnyashchy is a well-known etching master who, during his 40-year career, has created many significant works made in this complex and so rare graphic technique today. A deep philosopher, he combined in his work reflections on life and death, the complexities and dramatic nature of human existence.
New Year’s show "Thumbelina" 3+
05.12.2018 December 20 - 30 at 10:00, 13:00 and 15:00.
Edmond Eidemiller. NETWORKS OF HYBRID REALITY. Graphic arts
05.12.2018 From the author There is nothing more practical than a good theory Immanuel Kant We must paint as if it were. Rene Magritte From the point of view of modern sciences, we all live in hybrid communities (hybrid - mixture, cross). In these communities, human collectives (assemblies) interact with machine collectives.
Nikolai Simonovsky. TRANSITION TIME. Painting
05.12.2018 From the author Time is a mirror in which, as you know, there is nothing if you do not look at it.
Button and modernism. Exhibition by Andrei Chezhin
05.12.2018 The Button and Modernism project was created and expanded gradually; its versions have already been visited in Russia, Europe and America. At the exhibition in the Museum of Erarta, the most complete version will be presented, which has grown into the author’s “Pushpin Museum”.
The geometry of winter. Exhibition of Sergey Kichigin
05.12.2018 Having become the happy owner of a professional camera, economist and official Sergey Kichigin directed his lens to the beauty of the Russian North and to snow in particular.
Black water. Exhibition of Mikhail Zvyagin
05.12.2018 Mikhail Zvyagin is one of the oldest Leningrad-Petersburg artists (even though he now lives in New York), who in his own way reflected the time from the beginning of the 1960s to the beginning of the 2000s.
Cube metamorphoses. Exhibition of Vladimir Antoshchenkov
05.12.2018 Vladimir Semenovich Antoshchenkov - a representative of the real Leningrad intelligentsiaHe is an architect, teacher at SPbGASU, a sculptor, graphic artist and musician, passionate about playing the recorder. But Vladimir Antoshchenkov is known, first of all, as the leading architectural photographer of Leningrad - Petersburg, on whose account more than ten albums.
Organized optimism. Exhibition of Alexei Lantsev
05.12.2018 Hedonism and the joy of life in contemporary art are rare, but Aleksey Lantsev synthesizes solar energy using canvas and paints. It seems that his paintings are sharing with the viewer vitamin D and the hormone of happiness.
White: Catching the Evil Beasts. Exhibition Fedor Bastards
05.12.2018 At an exhibition in the Erart Museum, Alexander Starostin, well known to experimental music fans under the name Theodor Bastard, acts as a universal artistThe exposition included expressive paintings, drawn from graphic sketches of a decade ago, created in the difficult moments of a cold fever.
Sessions of Moscow artists "This is a theater!"
05.12.2018 On November 30, Gallery A3 of the Association “Exhibition Halls of Moscow” will open the next season of traditional sessions of Moscow artists “This is a theater!” Bringing together more than a hundred participants of various genres and directions.
Food Show Awards: A People’s Prize for Recognizing Talents in the World of Gastronomy
04.12.2018 The 12th Gastronomic Festival FOODSHOW was successfully held in Moscow, which once again became a real event for all lovers of culinary innovations.
Fifth Interregional Academic Exhibition "Red Gate / Against the Current"
01.12.2018 Moscow takes the baton of the Fifth Interregional Academic Exhibition-Competition "Red Gate / Against the Current-2018".
"Watercolor lessons. Christmas wreath." Series of New Year workshops
01.12.2018 December 23, January 4 16: 00–18: 30 We create a New Year’s mood with the Museum of Russian Impressionism! At watercolor workshops we write holiday paintings or postcards in watercolor. Elegant, fragrant, sparkling, frosty and inspiring!