Press-releases 30.11.2018 27.11.2018
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Creativity of Larisa Akhmadeeva
30.11.2018 The shining of chandeliers and swell of mirrors Merged into one crystal mirage - And the wind blows, the ballroom wind blows The smell of warm fragrant (I. Bunin, 1906) From December 20 to 28, 2018, the exhibition of the St. Petersburg artist Larisa Akhmadeeva will be held at the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Brussels.
"Flowers and birds on the background of the carpet"
27.11.2018 Exhibition of works by Olga Rudakova (1951-2017) and Valery Sakhatov. With the support of the Marjani Foundation and the EXPO-88 Gallery.
Guardians of the time. Ceramic sculpture of ancient China
27.11.2018 The Pushkin Museum to them. A.S. By the end of 2018, Pushkin presents the exhibition of ceramic sculpture of Ancient China, “Watchmen of the Time”. The exhibition includes rare items - figures of animal symbols of the Chinese calendar, relating to the period from the 2nd century. BC. until the 17th century AD
Exhibition "On Both Sides of Man"
27.11.2018 November 29 at 18:30 in the Perm Art Gallery opens the exhibition "On Both Sides of Man", which will feature works by Moscow artist Maria Vladimirova.
27.11.2018 December 29, 12.00.
27.11.2018 December 1, 5 p.m.
Khәzinә kichlәre / Evening at the Treasury
27.11.2018 On November 29, 2018, at 18 o’clock, the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan invites residents of Kazan and guests of the capital of Tatarstan to the Khazine National Art Gallery for an art and music evening.
Alexander Rodionov. Mahmud Usmanov. "Life conquers"
27.11.2018 To the 100th anniversary of the artists.
Method. Facets. Exhibition of Nikita Chernoritsky
27.11.2018 "METHODFaces ”- a personal exhibition of Nikita Chernoritsky, which is part of the project of the creative association of the Wanderers. Painting, auteur cinema, sound and spatial installations, specially designed by architects, create a special space in which the artist asks only one single question, providing many ways to study it.
Vanguard and minimalism
27.11.2018 December 5, 2018, Wed / Rachmaninoff Hall, 19.00 ATTENTION! CONCERNING THE CONCERT DECEMBER 10
Festival closing Other space
27.11.2018 12/02/2018 at 19.00.
Concert for the exhibition Parisian evenings of Baroness Etingen
27.11.2018 11/30/2018 at 20.00 Program Reynaldo Ahn Songs from the Chansons grises series (Gray Songs) by Paul Verlaine
Christmas tree (3+) Fixies celebrate Christmas
27.11.2018 January 04 at 12:00.
Gingerbread Man
27.11.2018 January 05 at 13:00. MASTER CLASS for children from 5 years and older.
Antarctica snow show (2+)
27.11.2018 January 03 at 16:30 and 18:00.