Press-releases 27.06.2018 27.06.2018
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Street-Art Street Promotion
27.06.2018 07/08 12:00 Street-Art. Street promotion.
"A huge heart." To the 125th anniversary of Vladimir Mayakovsky
27.06.2018 July 05, 18.30.
Vocal concert
27.06.2018 07/01 17:00 Vocal concert.
Sainkho Namchylak Exhibition "CHOIR OF ME"
27.06.2018 Voice visualization. A collection of acrylic on canvas works with Sainkho’s audio voice app.
Summer educational program for the exhibition "Masterpieces of painting and engraving of the Edo era"
27.06.2018 The Pushkin Museum. A. S.
Exhibition "Moscow on foot. From the history of Kitay Gorod"
27.06.2018 At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, Kitay-Gorod became the main urban business district, Moscow CityWhat he lived and how this region was changing can be seen at the exhibition “Moscow on foot. From the history of Kitai Gorod ”at the Gilyarovsky Center, a branch of the Museum of Moscow, from June 30 to August 15.
Personal exhibition of Vladimir Kozhevnikov "Poetry of simple things"
27.06.2018 Summer is a triumph of the creative forces of nature, which are at the peak of the flowering of colors and emotions, giving everything a poetic mood.
Exhibition about the history of guidebooks
27.06.2018 "MOSCOWGuidebook Evolution ”- an exhibition about the history of an important assistant in the study of any city. From June 29 to October 15 at the Museum of Moscow you can see how the appearance and contents of the guidebook in the widest sense of the word have changed over the centuries, from maps and prints to reference books of the 20th century, which are now quite suitable for exploring Moscow.
Opening of the monument to Robert Rozhdestvensky by Z.K. Tsereteli in the Altai Territory
27.06.2018 On Saturday, June 23, 2018, in the poet’s small homeland, in the village of Kosiha Altai, the monument to Robert Rozhdestvensky was unveiledThe sculpture was made by Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli, People’s Artist of the USSR and the Russian Federation, President of the Russian Academy of Arts, at the request of Rozhdestvensky’s daughter.
Aspiration up: for the first time in the excursion program "Metrotour" - the depot of the Moscow monorail and the Ostankino television tower
27.06.2018 In one evening, to see how the monorail is arranged, what is hidden inside the Ostankino TV tower, you can be inspired by the bird’s-eye panorama of the city and the sunset on the excursion “Moscow - the desire to rise.
Screening of the documentary "The Workers Cup"
27.06.2018 July 12 at 19:00.
Screening of the soccer documentary
27.06.2018 July 8 at 16:00.
Lecture "Dance Art". Together with "Sync"
27.06.2018 July 4 at 19:00.
Discussion "Movement down? Amateur football in Russia"
27.06.2018 June 29 at 19:00.
"Petrel". Rashid Abdulmyanov
27.06.2018 "Zen-style paintings."