Press-releases 24.05.2018 12.05.2018
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"It is difficult to be a god" by Alexei German Sr. and the material culture of Arkanar. 18+
24.05.2018 The Erarta Museum presents an exhibition of costumes and artifacts from the fantasy world created by the genius of Alexei German Sr. for the painting “It’s Hard to Be a God”.
Michelle Sim. Geniuses in the workshops. The backstage of the Paris art scene. 16+
24.05.2018 The Erart Museum presents an exhibition of Michel Sim - an outstanding French sculptor and photographer who shot the artistic and literary elite of Paris of the XX century.
Carte blanche. Concert 4. Soloist and conductor Grigory Krotenko
24.05.2018 June 14, 2018, Th / Rachmaninoff Hall, 19.00.
"Russia – Germany. The Early Vanguard"
24.05.2018 As part of a joint project of the ensemble of the New Music Studio and the Higher School of Music and Theater of Munich
Life in red
24.05.2018 Hall named after N.Ya. Myaskovsky, 19.00.
"Polyphonic concert". On the occasion of the 80th birthday of Yuriy Butsko
24.05.2018 Small Hall, 19.00.
The 315th anniversary of St. Petersburg will be celebrated with "Classics on the Palace"
24.05.2018 Translated from Latin, tradition means "tradition." As long as there is something to love, cherish and pass on to each other, the connection of time and generation is inextricable. In St. Petersburg, this is especially acute.
"The Dürer era. German graphics and paintings of the late XV - first half of the XVI century"
24.05.2018 The Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Moscow Region "New Jerusalem" together with the State Museum of Fine Arts named after APushkin present an exhibition of works by Albrecht Durer, his predecessors and contemporaries "The Age of Durer. German graphics and paintings of the late XV - the first half of the XVI century.
"Independent format"
24.05.2018 The artist Vladimir Shcherbinin will present his works at the exhibition “INDEPENDENT FORMAT”, which can be arbitrarily designated as “incorrect”. (16 paintings).
International festival "Intermuseum-2018"
24.05.2018 The Intermuseum-2018 International Festival, the main museum event of the year, will be held from May 31 to June 3 at the VDNH, in Pavilion No. 75.
Premiere spring: Spas TV channel is preparing to release several more new projects
24.05.2018 Premier season at SPAS continues! In May, several new programs will be aired on the first public Orthodox Orthodox television channel: “All Happy Families” - a lifestyle style column on family values, a documentary series on the idols of Soviet cinema “Bright Memory”, and a talk show “How to Live,” in which the priest will answer current questions of the younger generation .
Exhibition of artists of the creative association PARAZIT "OLYMPUS"
12.05.2018 Painting, graphics, objects, installation, performance, video art
"NIGHT OF MUSEUMS - 2018". National Art Gallery "Hazine"
12.05.2018 Opening hours of the Hazine NHG on May 19, Saturday: 10.00–22.00 tel. : 567-89-43; 236-69-31
"NIGHT OF MUSEUMS - 2018". Main building of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
12.05.2018 Opening hours of the Main building of the Pushkin Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan May 19, Saturday: 10.00-24.00
The Pushkin Museum is the first to conduct an online tour in sign language in the new project of the Odnoklassniki social network
12.05.2018 Venue: Art Gallery of the countries of Europe and America of the 19th – 20th centuries