Press-releases 12.05.2018 11.05.2018
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Panshan’s Time Exhibition
12.05.2018 May 16 at 19-00 in the ARTMUSE (gallery "C") will open the main exhibition in May - a series of works by Chinese artist Wu Pensheng. The artist creates large-scale philosophical canvases, full of deeply personal symbolism, which is read, costing yourself to think.
"Larisa Golubkina. Patches"
12.05.2018 On May 19, at 18:00, the premiere of the rehearsal performance “Larisa GolubkinaPatches. " Confession of the “star” of the theater in the form of a conversation with playwright Rodion Beletsky - answers to uncomfortable questions, memories, live improvisation and songs from the extensive repertoire of Larisa Golubkina and Andrei Mironov.
Alice Taiga: "Ex-machines: Man and human in the virtual world of the XXI century"
11.05.2018 June 6, 18:00 Alisa Taiga: “Ex-machines: Man and human in the virtual world of the XXI century”
Dmitry Morozov and Dmitry Galkin: "Artists and Robots. Robotic codes. Machine-apparatus"
11.05.2018 May 18, 18:00 Dmitry Morozov and Dmitry Galkin: “Artists and Robots. Robotic codes. Apparatus Machine
Exhibition "Kukryniksy, famous and unknown"
11.05.2018 May 03, 2018, Moscow. In the museum and exhibition complex of the Sergey Andriyaka School of Watercolor, a unique exhibition “Kukryniksy, Famous and Unknown” from the series “Masterpieces of Museum Collections” was launched, the official opening of which took place on April 26.
Vocal concert "From Renaissance to the Present"
11.05.2018 May 16 at 19.00.
Master class "Bird Tales of the Far North"
11.05.2018 May 13 at 11.00.
Concert "Sounds of Spring"
11.05.2018 May 12 at 15.00.
Exhibition "Day and Night" 0+
11.05.2018 On May 18, the anniversary exhibition of the famous expressionist artist, author of Nikolai Dobrin’s own unique writing technology, Day and Night, will begin its work in the Nagornaya gallery of the Exhibition Halls of Moscow Association.
International exhibition-competition of children’s creativity "Sun Ball"
11.05.2018 In anticipation of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, the Moscow Exhibition Halls Association presents the Sun Ball network art projectAbout football as a cultural phenomenon, the history of its occurrence, favorite players, fans and football paraphernalia reflect on the participants of children’s creative teams from Russia, Germany and Bulgaria.
Exhibition "Color Form"
11.05.2018 May 8 at 16.00 in the Gallery of Siberian Art (st. Karl Marx, 23) opens the exhibition "Color Shape".
"World Exhibition in Paris in 1900 in stereo pairs and photographs"
11.05.2018 State Museum of Architecture named after A.V. Shchuseva (in the building of the Pharmaceutical Order) presents the exhibition project "World Exhibition in Paris in 1900 in stereo pairs and photographs."
Exhibition "Alexandra Vertinskaya. Edencraft. Retrospection"
11.05.2018 In the Heritage gallery, an exhibition by Alexandra Vertinsky opens, in which the most important topics for the artist are combined: flowers, classical ruins, sky, first shown in the context of poetry.
Anniversary action "Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts in the personal archives of Kaluga"
11.05.2018 Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts invites Kaluga residents to take part in the jubilee action "Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts in the Personal Archives of Kaluga" dedicated to the centenary of the museum’s founding.
Photo exhibition "Distraction" (lat. Abstractio)
11.05.2018, an Internet resource supported by the Russian Academy of Arts (PAX), the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts, the TSHR exhibition and educational programs, the TSHR Abstract Art section, the DavidGroup creative association, the Moscow Encyclopedias Foundation, present the international distinction photo exhibition ( LatAbstractio).