Press-releases 05.04.2018 28.03.2018
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05.04.2018 Kazan artists will present in Saratov the art project “ISLAND. ACHIEVEMENT "in the halls of the Saratov Regional Museum of Local Lore
Exhibition "VERSES OF LOVE"
05.04.2018 NextArt Agency & Fund (“The Art of the Future”) INVITES YOU TO VISIT AN ANTOLOGICAL EXHIBITION “VERSES OF LOVE” by masters of Italian art CHARLIE.
"Emilio Ambas: from architecture to nature"
28.03.2018 in the Pharmaceutical Order of the Museum of Architecture State Museum of Architecture named after A.V. Shchuseva presents the exhibition "Emilio Ambas: from architecture to nature."
"Space of Symbols" on the 90th anniversary of the Sogetsu school
28.03.2018 in the outhouse "Ruin" State Museum of Architecture named after A.V. Shchuseva presents the exhibition “Space of Symbols”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Sogetsu school.
Alexey Shmarinov. Graphic arts. To the 85th anniversary of the artist
28.03.2018 From March 27 to April 15, 2018, in the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts (Prechistenka 21), an exhibition of works by the people’s artist of the Russian Federation, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR imI.E.
Almost free to the theater with the “Prompter”!
28.03.2018 In honor of Theater Day, a special offer is launched for users of the Souffler app: individual invitations from Moscow theaters.
Exhibition "Between Abstraction and Figurativeness. Poetics of Spanish Art of the 50s and 60s of the XX Century"
28.03.2018 The Cervantes Institute in Moscow and the Russian Academy of Arts, with the support of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, present the exhibition “Between Abstraction and FigurativenessPoetics of Spanish art of the 50-60s of the XX century. ” The exposition will comprise 36 works of painting, drawing and sculpture from private collections.
Astor Piazzolla. 6+
28.03.2018 The best tango. Part II Alexandra Savina and Lyudmila Hallaeva offer fans of the great Argentine composer a cycle of two concerts in which only tango will sound.
Two romance. Two souls. 6+
28.03.2018 The evening program of piano duets included compositions by Schubert and Schumann, which will be performed by laureates of international competitions Alina Svetlova and Elena Kulikova.
I am returning your portrait ... 6 +
28.03.2018 The concert program included the pearls of retro music - songs and romances of the first half of the 20th century. This is the music of Strok, Prozorovsky, St. George, Fomin and others.
Dmitry Barbashin. 6+
28.03.2018 The evening program of piano music included compositions by Rameau, Alcan, Chopin, Liszt, Debussy.
Song of Songs. 6+
28.03.2018 The program is dedicated to biblical subjects in literature and music. The compositions of Pushkin, Bryusov, Kuprin, Rimsky-Korsakov, Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky, Lyapunov will be performed.
Swing parade. 12+
28.03.2018 A new meeting in the framework of the project “Jazz Party with Vladimir Feiertag” is dedicated to the arrangements of the most beautiful jazz music performed by Vladimir Lytkin (piano) and Vadim Mikhailov (double bass).
"The huge sky." 6+
28.03.2018 On a spring evening, artists of the Petersburg Concert invite again to listen to the most beloved tunes of our country’s recent past.
Easter chimes. 6+
28.03.2018 Easter chimes Festive chants, games, round dances, songs, poems, stories, ditties in honor of the Holy Resurrection of Christ.