Press-releases 03.10.2017 03.10.2017
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03.10.2017 Painting exhibition October 3 - 16, 2017 Opening - October 4, 19-00 Alpert Gallery, Krasnokazarmennaya St., 3 There is no mistake in the name of the exhibition, it is simply “GAME”. The one that is universal and infinite.
Machine factory
03.10.2017 Sunday October 29th ZIL Cultural Center (Vostochnaya St., 4 building 1), 20.00 Ticket admission
03.10.2017 Performance of Brusnikin’s Studio to the music of Andrey Besogonov October 27 and 28 Friday and Saturday Beginning at 20.00 Theater Center on Strastnoy (Strastnaya Boulevard, 8A) Ticket admission
Music of the time: unknown masterpieces. Concert 6. String Resonance
03.10.2017 Thursday, October 12th Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val, 19.00 Ticket admission
Red wheel. Concert 2. Constructions
03.10.2017 October 11, Wednesday Rachmaninov Hall, 19.00 Ticket admission
Revolution in sound
03.10.2017 October 9, Monday Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val, 20.00 Ticket admission
Contrasts and echoes of a bygone era. Friday Concert in Pushkinsky
03.10.2017 October 6, Friday Pushkin Museum (Volkhonka, 12), 18.00 Ticket admission
Installation "Field"
03.10.2017 From September 30 to November 5, 2017 at the Exhibition of Economic Achievements, in the space of the Yak-42 aircraft, the “Field” installation will be presented by the artist Ekaterina Choporova, the winner of the second season of the “RISE” contestThe curator of the "Contemporary Art" direction was an art critic, art critic and permanent director of the IPSI - Joseph Bakshtein.
Opening of the virtual branch of the Russian Museum in Irkutsk
03.10.2017 In the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev opened the information and educational center "Russian Museum: a virtual branch."
Exhibition "In the beginning was the sky"
03.10.2017 In the Perm Art Gallery, the exhibition "At the Beginning of the Sky" was opened. It is dedicated to the general designer of aircraft engines Pavel Aleksandrovich Solovyov, whose 100th birthday is celebrated this year.
Open lecture by Philippe Granriye
03.10.2017 In the new academic year (2018/2019), Moscow International University launches new educational areas - cinema, psychology, critical theory, philology, art management, urban studies.
II International Music Festival for children with hearing disabilities "Magic Symphony"
03.10.2017 October 10 at 19.00 On October 10, the II International Music Festival for Children with Hearing Aid “Magic Symphony”, awarded the prize “Best Social Project 2016”, will be held at the State Academic Chapel (StPetersburg). Children with hearing impairment from Russia and other countries will take part in the festival, performing with musical and recital numbers on the stage together with the stars.
Eliza, you are a fool! 12+
03.10.2017 October 6; 22 of October The premiere of the fantasy play based on the play by the English playwright Bernard Shaw “Pygmalion”.
Art project by Andrei Gordasevich "Games over time"
03.10.2017 On October 4, at 19:00, the Classic Games exhibition opens with the exhibition “Games with Time” - an art project by Andrei Gordasevich about trying to hide time by reconstructing the era of the Napoleonic Wars.
Konstantinovsky Palace and the Tretyakov Gallery exchanged works of art
03.10.2017 Until the end of December 2017, two paintings from the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery will be exhibited in the Konstantinovsky Palace: “Portrait of Princess Orlova” by Konstantin Korovin and “Portrait of Elizabeth Martynova” by Osip Braz.