Press-releases 11.09.2017 11.09.2017
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"Crimea. Another world"
11.09.2017 The nightly splendor of Crimea and the sparkling of sea blue, the grandeur of the mountains and the riot of magical colors of Crimean nature..From September 8 to 28, theHARASHO Gallery of Contemporary Art (International Center for Theater Arts "Golden Key") will host a personal exhibition of Crimean photographer Roman Lyubimsky.
"37". Victor Chumachenko. Exhibition - Painting
11.09.2017 The Art Gallery Manufactory invites you to plunge into the world of abstract painting by our Ukrainian artist Viktor Chumachenko, whose paintings adorn private collections and creative spaces around the world.
Exhibition "Silent Voices"
11.09.2017 From September 8 to October 22, the first exhibition of contemporary art devoted to the blockade will be held in the Peter and Paul Fortress - audio and video installations by contemporary St. Petersburg media artists will be presented at the exhibition.
Pastels of Peter Dick. Favorite
11.09.2017 Pyotr Gergardovich Dick (1939–2002), one of the finest and most profound Russian masters of the last decades of the twentieth century, was born in the village of Glyaden, Blagoveshchensky district of the Altai Territory, into a family of ethnic Germans.
Theory of everyday life. Solo exhibition Linor Goralik
11.09.2017 From September 9 to September 28 at the Center for Fashion and Design, the new space of the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art, will take place the personal exhibition Linor Goralik “The Theory of Everyday Life”The exhibition consists of more than 100 works by the author, created over the past 10 years, and performed in a wide range of techniques: from graphics to silver work and from sculpture to textile works.
Exhibition of works by Vladimir Tsigal. To the 100th Birthday
11.09.2017 September 12, 2017 at 16.00 in the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts at the address: stPrechistenka 21, an exhibition of works by an outstanding sculptor of the twentieth century, People’s Artist of the USSR, USSR State Prize laureate, holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, degrees III and IV, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Vladimir Efimovich Tsigal (1917 - 2013), dedicated to 100- anniversary of the artist.
Exhibition "Shades of Time"
11.09.2017 September 6 at 16.00 in the Estate of VP. Sukachev opens an exhibition of graphics by Elena Pavlova "Shades of Time." Etchings, watercolors, bookplates, book graphics - in the exhibition halls are presented all the best that was created by the author for 20 years of creative activity.
11.09.2017 The Hamburg hosts the Cultural Program of St. Petersburg, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of twinning relations between our cities.
Egor Fedorichev "Crease on the curtain"
11.09.2017 The first solo exhibition of the artist Yegor Fedorichev “Fold on the curtain” will open on September 12, at the start of the young art START TSSI VINZAVODThe installation, tailored from banners found in landfills, building packaging, industrial fabrics and art canvases, will divide the site into two spaces.
"The anatomy of white." Exhibition of Karina Ghazaryan
11.09.2017 We present a new exhibition of works by the Moscow artist and designer Karina Ghazaryan, made in the technique of "white relief", the possibilities of which she has been exploring since 2001.
Pure Arctic Sebastian Copeland
11.09.2017 Within the framework of the Year of Ecology 2017, the Lumiere Brothers Center of Photography presents the first exhibition in Russia by the famous photographer, polar explorer and environmentalist Sebastian CopelandThe exposition, which will simultaneously become the most complete retrospective of the photographer, will include more than 60 large-format works shot over the past ten years on expeditions to the polar regions of Norway, Canada, the USA, Greenland, the Arctic Ocean and the Antarctic Peninsula.
Exhibition "Jean-Marie Perrier. Couturier of French Photography"
11.09.2017 One of the first projects that will open a new art season of the Center for Photography named after Lumiere brothers, will be an exhibition of the master of the French photographic scene, Jean-Marie PerrierThe author of outstanding portraits of the stars of the world of music, film and fashion, Perrier worked for the most famous magazines and brands and created an impressive portrait gallery of celebrities of the 20th century.
Exhibition of the artist V.V. Kuzmina "The World in Flowers". Vadim Kuzmin. Painting"
11.09.2017 September 08 at 16.00 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 104, exhibition hall) will open the personal exhibition of the artist V.V. Kuzmina "The World in Flowers". Vadim Kuzmin. Painting".
An exhibition of author’s dolls from the collection of St. Petersburg collector Marina Mironyuk and an exhibition of microminiatures by V. Aniskin "Marvel under the microscope"
11.09.2017 From September 7 to October 29, 2017, two exhibitions will simultaneously work in one of the halls of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 103): an exhibition of author’s dolls from the collection of StPetersburg collector Marina Mironyuk and an exhibition of microminiatures by V.
"I’m flying into the clouds"
11.09.2017 From September 22 to October 22, 2017 EAST MEETS WEST GALLERY presents at the ARTPLAY Design Center a photo-acrylic romance “Fly Into the Clouds”.