Press-releases 25.10.2016 25.10.2016
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Tale with sand animation "Puss in Boots"
25.10.2016 Sunday, November 13, 3 p.m. Illusion. Once a miracle happened - the organ and saxophone helped Kot in boots tell his amazing story. Even Charles Perrault could not imagine that such a thing was possible!
Tale with sand animation "The Little Prince"
25.10.2016 Sunday, November 6, 3 p.m. Illusion. One of the most moving and crystal-fragile stories in world literature is equally beloved by both children and adults. After all, the childhood planet lives in everyone’s soul... Sand animation will also be amazing.
Project "Dance Magic" "Argentine Tango. Evening of Touch"
25.10.2016 Sunday, November 13, 6 p.m. Art Deco. Tango is a dance passion that draws into itself like a funnel. The best dancers, the best musicians, in the atmosphere of an old Russian manor.
Project "Dance Magic" "Flamenco Fire Dances"
25.10.2016 November 4, Friday 19.00 Art Deco. Flamenco of Andalusia - in Moscow. For you. Dance of fire and rhythms of passion - to the passionate hearts of lovers! If not for the closest, then... for whom? Project “Dance Magic”
"The Bremen Town Musicians"
25.10.2016 Saturday November 26, 3 p.m. Mirror Hall. “The Bremen Town Musicians” is one of the best fairy tales of the Grimm brothers. We invite you to listen to her again, admiringly watching the wonders of sand animation. And, of course, there will be a lot of beautiful music.
"Swan Lake" P.I. Tchaikovsky and G. H. Andersen
25.10.2016 Saturday November 19th, 3 p.m. Theater Hall This day is dedicated to swans. You are waiting for the beauty of the famous ballet music of Tchaikovsky, the amazing surprises of Andersen’s fairy-tale plot. And the sand animation is just as amazing.
25.10.2016 Saturday, November 12, 3 p.m. Theater Hall. Mowgli and his friends are inviting to their fairy tale! You will discover the amazing secrets of the Indian jungle. And there will be a lot of amazing music. And wonderful sand paintings, born right before your eyes.
The Canterville Ghost
25.10.2016 Saturday November 5th, 3 p.m. Theater Hall. If a ghost doesn’t scare anyone, it’s a complete disgrace for him. And also... I want to find a soul that understands its eternal disorder. After all, a ghost was once a man, and nothing human is alien to him.
"Sounds of the City. New York"
25.10.2016 Saturday November 26, 19.00 Mirror Hall.
Project "Sounding Canvases. Raphael" "Mozart. Requiem"
25.10.2016 Sunday, November 20, 6 p.m. Mirror Hall. Mozart’s “Requiem” will be performed in concert, accompanied by Raphael’s canvases. You will find an amazing consonance of two incomparable geniuses of Europe.
V International Festival of Arts "Favorites for the Elect" "Legends of Ireland and Scotland"
25.10.2016 Friday 18th November, 20.00 Mirror Hall. Delicious traditional tunes of Ireland and Scotland. The unbridled passion of bagpipes and... an exciting miracle of Irish dance!
Project "Sounding Canvases. Salvador Dali" "Spanish Passion"
25.10.2016 Sunday, November 13, 6 p.m. Mirror Hall. Traditional music of Spain. And pictures of Salvador Dali. Flamenco and amazing fantasy of a brilliant artist. This combination is fascinating.
V International Festival of Arts "Favorites for the Elect" "Latin Quarter or Besame Mucho"
25.10.2016 November 5, Saturday, 19.00 Mirror Hall. All the best that is in Latin American dances is for you. Two champion couples will show their beyond skill - inspired and inspirational.
Project "Dance Magic" "Legends of Ireland"
25.10.2016 Sunday November 27th, 6 p.m. Delicious traditional Irish tunes. Breathtaking rhythms of Irish tap dance. Irish dance, conquered the world. And all this is in the direct line of sight of the Kremlin!
Project "Dance Magic" "Passion del Tango Argentina"
25.10.2016 Saturday, November 19, 7 p.m. Tango is more than just a dance. And yet - amazing memories! After all, touching a miracle is always unforgettable...