Press-releases 03.06.2021 30.05.2021
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Exhibition of Yulia Shafarostova "Fountains of Bachikistan"
03.06.2021 An exhibition of Yulia Shafarostova "Fountains of Bachikistan" opens in the gallery "Alisa". The exposition will include graphic works from the series “Projects of Non-Working Fountains of Bachikistan” and the installation “Drinking Fountain”.
Exhibition of works by Vitaly Petrov-Kamchatsky
03.06.2021 The Russian Academy of Arts presents an exhibition of works by the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Professor, Rector of the Krasnoyarsk State Art Institute Vitaly Petrov-Kamchatsky (1988-1993), timed to coincide with the 85th anniversary of the artist’s birthThe exposition contains about 40 graphic sheets from different years.
Exhibition "What do you represent?" 12+
03.06.2021 From May 25 to June 24, 2021, the Russian State Library for Youth (Bolshaya Cherkizovskaya str., 4, building 1, Small Hall) is opening a group exhibition "WHAT ARE YOU PRESENTING?" The curator of the exposition, a researcher of the "sovrisk" Daniil Levites, selected the works of media artists Ilmira Bolotyan, Roman Mokrov, Danila Tkachenko and Ilya Fedotov-Fedorov and invites the public to reflect on the topic "Responsibility in art: is there a border between the artist and the viewer?"
Exhibition "Forever Fashionable Mozart. Forever Young Ballet. Forever Young Fashion"
03.06.2021 The exhibition “Eternally Fashionable Mozart. Forever young ballet. Forever young Fashion ".
Olga Davydova. Beyond Aquilon 6+
03.06.2021 Erarta Museum presents Olga Davydova’s exhibition - a journey to a mysterious country where the north wind is born
Mikhail Brusilovsky. Labyrinths of time 18+
03.06.2021 Erarta Museum presents the first exhibition in St. Petersburg by Misha Shaevich Brusilovsky - one of the most prominent Russian artists of the second half of the 20th century
Evgeny Krylov. Inkwell Fantasy 18+
03.06.2021 Erarta Museum presents an exhibition of the experimental artist Yevgeny Krylov - a journey to the mysterious "there..."
Victor Nekrasov. Endless course of events
03.06.2021 Erarta Museum presents decorative painting by Viktor Nekrasov, which combines mysticism and geometry
"Small" art
02.06.2021 The Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center presents the exhibition “Small” ArtIt will show more than 130 works by Isaac Levitan, Vasily Polenov, Valentin Serov, Ilya Repin, Mikhail Vrubel, Konstantin Somov, Kazimir Malevich, Antonina Sofronova, Lev Bakst and other artists.
Exhibition "Alterglobalism" 12+
02.06.2021 On May 21, 2021, the Alterglobalism exhibition will open in the Belyaevo gallery of the Moscow Exhibition Halls Association, an international multidisciplinary project that explores topical world problems by means of contemporary art.
Personal exhibition of Juan Miguel Palacios "The Power of Beauty"
02.06.2021 “Art is a catalyst for my emotions and thoughts, a bridge between my inner and outer worlds” - Juan Miguel Palacios.
Iron Age. Europe without borders
02.06.2021 Venue: Main building of the Historical Museum, hall number 36 In the State Historical Museum, within the framework of the Year of Germany in Russia 2020/2021, the exhibition “The Iron AgeEurope without Borders ”, which will continue the long-term cultural cooperation of Russian and German museums and will provide an opportunity to see the collections of the largest museums in the world.
"Vikings. Way to the East"
01.06.2021 The exhibition is based on archaeological materials from the funds of the Historical Museum and is dedicated to the life and culture of immigrants from Scandinavia.
"Hierophanies". Exhibition of works by Alexander Tokarev
30.05.2021 The Russian Academy of Arts presents an exhibition of works by the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts Alexander Tokarev "Hierophanies", the exhibition of which for the first time will present multipart and monumental works created by the artist over the past 10 years.
A little history of impressionism
30.05.2021 The Borey Gallery has been collaborating with the Little Art History project for six years. In May 2016, the gallery hosted the first, very successful exhibition of the project participants, after which "A Little History of Art" became a part of the gallery’s activities.