Art exhibitions в Перми
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The Fall. Who Corrected Martin de Vos?
Пермская художественная галерея
Пермь, Окулова, 75, к.3
- In Moscow, the search for places of culture and recreation, as well as the cost of visiting them, has increased by one and a half times
- "Stroganov-collectors" - an exhibition in the Perm Art Gallery
- "Spatial Realism" by Dmitry Kustanovich in Perm Central Exhibition Hall
- A unique exhibition of the work of artist Leonid Tishkov has opened in the Perm Art Gallery
- In Perm, in honor of the anniversary of the artist Oleg Korovin, the exhibition "Watercolor Poetry" is open
- The exhibition project "Time of Art", which opened in Lipetsk, presented two exhibitions of painting at the same time.
- The exhibition "Perm has many faces" was located in the Perm Art Residence
- Fairy-tale landscapes of the Perm painter Konstantin Nikolaev presented at a new exhibition in Perm
- The exhibition in memory of the artist Stanislav Girko opened in Perm’s "House of Artists".
- PERMM Museum presented the exhibition of artists of Rostov-on-Don "Fathers and Sons"
- The exhibition "Big Volga-XI" from Kazan moved to Perm
- The nature of the Kola Peninsula in the graphic artist Irina Sitdikova