constructive analysis:
Construction (lat. Constructio) - construction, addition.
Automatic translate
Construction (lat. Constructio) - construction, addition.
We are surrounded by a world in which everything is built according to uniform laws, including us. And we are a small part of this large world that surrounds us with an infinite number of objects. Items, in turn, are composed of a large number of forms. To know the essence of the subject, its shaping is not simple, but possible.
To know the world, one must know its construction. Moreover, knowing the part, you can know the whole. After all, as we have already said, everything is built according to uniform laws. The term “addition” is included in the concept of “composition”. It is not for nothing that we call the compositional structure of the picture its construction, and the formative structure of the object - the construction of the form.
- theoretical part: constructive analysis, method;
- practical part: means, material.
or Figure:
- constructive analysis + method + tools - material.
The drawing consists of two parts: theoretical and practical.
The theoretical part includes a constructive analysis and method. The practical part of the drawing includes expressive means of drawing and materials.
Constructive analysis gives a complete picture of the shape of the object and its position in space. You must realize that the object you are drawing, like the space surrounding it, is three-dimensional. It can be viewed from different angles and understand the constructive structure of this subject.
Your concept of construction must be complete so that you can create in your mind a clear reflection of the object being drawn. Next, you need to materialize the reflected image in the two-dimensional space of the sheet using certain methods. If you have no idea about the shape of the drawn object in space, you do not need methods; and if you think that you know the methods of drawing, then it is not clear what you draw and whether you draw in general.
A method is a path to achieving a goal. Your goal is to create a three-dimensional space in the two-dimensional space of the sheet using the method of compositional solution of the sheet; the golden ratio method; method of proportional relations; direct perspective method; constructive method; a method for detecting form with light; tonal relationship method; generalization method and so on. The methods are based on the nature of human perception of the surrounding reality.
So: they saw, realized, chose the path - and set about drawing.
Facilities. Means include a point and a line - these are all expressive means of a drawing (what is called “the wealthier, the more glad”). They have quality characteristics. For example, the line lies on the white plane of the sheet and can be long, wavy, red, wide, or created with material such as sanguine.
Material. These are pencil, charcoal, sauce, sepia, and so on.
As you can see, without a constructive drawing (analysis), a drawing cannot exist at all (well, unless an imitation). And if imitation is the basis of all types of fine art, then what will art turn into?
Next Constructive Space Analysis