constructive analysis:
Constructive Space Analysis
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Constructive Space Analysis
The shape of the picture is an image on a plane. But the transmitted world is not a plane, but a three-dimensional space. All objects of the space surrounding us have volume, as well as space itself. To reflect a voluminous object on the plane of a graphic sheet is not an easy task. Therefore, the basis of teaching drawing is the task of forming three-dimensional spatial thinking in students through simple concepts.
What is space? Space is what surrounds us or an object, that is, the environment. It can be open or closed (for example, by an interior). The main constructive property of the medium is that it is three-dimensional (that is, space has a height, width and depth). Any object, being in space, obeys its laws, that is, it is three-dimensional.
A space model is a cube, with all its sides and faces. The cube has an upper surface, a lower, anterior, a posterior and two lateral ones. Learning how to draw a cube means learning how to draw everything.
Any geometric shape inscribed in a cube (that is, located in space) will be three-dimensional and will have all sides of space. Such a figure is a ball, cylinder, cone, pyramid - that is, all the geometric primitives from the composition of which the objects surrounding us are abundant (whether these are forms of nature or forms artificially created by man).
This is the first step from a simple understanding of the world to a complex understanding (and vice versa). Without understanding the shape as volume in space, the ball will simply be a circle, and the cube will be a quadrangle or hexagon.
Imagine an open space that has top and bottom, four cardinal points. In this space there is a building similar to a cube, and in the building is the same room. In the room there is a table similar to a cube, on the table there is a still life consisting of a cube, a cylinder and a ball. You are in the room and draw this still life. Even the shape of your body has the same properties as the shape of a cube: front, side, and so on. So everything is one!
Next Constructive analysis of objects in space