Art news 20.08.2013 24.07.2013
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"Autographs of war" - the work of the national artist Gennady Dobrov in the Russian Academy of Arts
20.08.2013 MOSCOW. In the exhibition hall of the Russian Academy of Arts on August 7, an exhibition of the People’s Artist of the Russian Federation Gennady Dobrov opened.
"Roman Isaev.Com" - painting and graphics in the gallery of modern art
19.08.2013 BARNAUL. Starting from August 7, the Prospect Gallery of Modern Art provides an opportunity for everyone (over the age of eighteen) to get acquainted with the graphic and pictorial works of the Russian artist Roman Isaev.
"Native Penates" - an anniversary exhibition of paintings by artist Sergei Repin
19.08.2013 PSKOV. In the village of Mikhailovskoye, in the Pushkin Museum-Reserve, a personal exhibition of the artist Sergei Repin, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the painter, opened.
Flower still lifes at the exhibition in Yekaterinburg
19.08.2013 YEKATERINBURG. In the art gallery "Art Palace", owned by the auction house "Suvorov", a new exhibition has opened, fully devoted to the "flower" theme, which is very popular among modern painters.
Work in the technique of dry pastels from the participants of the "Italian plein air"
19.08.2013 PETROZAVODSKThe city exhibition hall of the capital of Karelia invites connoisseurs of pictorial art to visit the exhibition that opened on August 2, which presents the work of the plein air that took place in 2011 as part of a project organized during the year of Russia in Italy and, accordingly, the year of Italy in Russia.
In Orel, an exhibition dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the artist V. Alekseev
13.08.2013 EAGLE. On August 1, an exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of a member of the Union of Artists, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, Alekseev Valentin Alekseevich, opened in the city museum of local lore.
Drawings of representatives of the royal family in the palace on Elagin Island
10.08.2013 ST. PETERSBURG. In the palace-museum on Elagin Island, known as the Stable Building, on August 1, the first visitors came to the opening of the exhibition “August Draftsmen” dedicated to the anniversary of the Romanov dynasty.
Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val updated the gallery’s permanent exhibition
08.08.2013 MOSCOW. The staff of the Tretyakov Gallery updated the permanent exhibition of the contemporary art exhibition located in the museum on Krymsky Val.
Internet artists come true - the first comic book exhibition in Samara
08.08.2013 SAMARA. On August 3, the first Exhibition of the Author’s Comic will be open at the New Space Gallery, which is part of the regional scientific library.
Belgorod Museum celebrated its thirtieth anniversary with an exhibition of new arrivals
30.07.2013 BELGOROD. By its thirtieth anniversary, the City Art Museum opened an exhibition, which became a kind of report on the work of the museum.
Tibetan impressions of Miroslava Kazantseva at her personal exhibition
30.07.2013 KALININGRAD. The artist Miroslava Kazantseva at the exhibition “View from the Roof of the World”, which opened in the art museum of the regional center, presented her new paintings painted after her trip to Tibet.
The opening of the exhibition "Out of Time" Yaroslavl artists celebrated the anniversary
30.07.2013 YAROSLAVL. On the 25th of July the exhibition “Out of Time” began to work in the exhibition hall of the city’s art-historical museum of the reserve. The insert became one of the events dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the Yaroslavl branch of the Union of Artists.
Scenes from the life of animals at the personal exhibition of Dmitry Sennikov
26.07.2013 KIROV. In the museum to them. Vasnetsov in the evening of July 25, the opening of a personal exhibition of Dmitry Sennikov, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
For the exhibition of Kim Britov in Ivanovo, 40 paintings were provided by his family
25.07.2013 IVANOVO. Thanks to the support of the MastART Moscow art gallery and the Investment Trade Bank, Ivanovo art connoisseurs got the opportunity to see a personal exhibition of Kim Britov, one of the founders of the distinctive art direction, the famous Vladimir School.
The past and present of the Kaliningrad region at the exhibition "Prussian footprint"
24.07.2013 KALININGRAD. Until the end of August, a personal exhibition of paintings by the artist from Latvia Nadezhda Kolesnikova will be open for visitors in the exhibition hall of the regional historical and art museum.