Art news 09.03.2013 27.02.2013
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“Who is the artist?”, A new game for iPhone and iPad
09.03.2013 The recently released “Who is the Artist?” Game for Apple’s mobile devices should appeal to all art lovers.
"Tinplate" - Odessa shocked by contemporary artists?
09.03.2013 ODESSA. From March 5 and inclusive to April 10, residents of Odessa have the opportunity to visit the exhibition "Women’s Tin" in the HudPromo Gallery, prepared by contemporary artists specifically for International Women’s Day.
"Dreams of an octopus" can be seen by residents of Irkutsk
09.03.2013 IRKUTSK. On March 4, an art-ethnographic exhibition, “Dreams of an Octopus,” began in Irkutsk, which included works by indigenous peoples of America.
Two - sculptor and artist in a single space of the exhibition "Prototypes"
06.03.2013 MOSCOW. The joint exhibition of the works of two Moscow artists, which opened on March 5 at the Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery, represents one generation of artists.
In Lutsk observe the "Double Horizon" of modern painting
06.03.2013 LUTSK. Since February 27, the Double Horizon exhibition has been taking place in the Ukrainian city of Lutsk, which is an attempt by contemporary artists to engage in dialogue with the public and build a bridge between high culture and needlework.
"Window to Europe" opened in Yekaterinburg
06.03.2013 From March 1 to May 19, residents of Yekaterinburg will be able to immerse themselves in a significant historical period for Russia - the reign of Peter 1.
In honor of the anniversary of the Academy of Arts, the exhibition "Steps of Excellence" has opened
04.03.2013 ST. PETERSBURG. Within the walls of the Central Exhibition Hall "Manege", in the presence of the national artist I. Glazunov and the governor of the city G. Poltavchenko, on March 1, a large-scale exhibition of young artists, called "Steps of Excellence", was solemnly opened.
Exhibition of modern painting "Yin" opened in Kiev
04.03.2013 KIEV. Since February 28, a group exhibition of Ukrainian artists “Yin” has been held at the M-17 contemporary art center, dedicated to Eastern religions, finding one’s own path and revealing the Buddha in every person.
The exhibition "Heavy illustration" revived interest in the work of Venedikt Erofeev
04.03.2013 Kolomna. Since March 2, a massive interest in the work of the writer Venedikt Erofeev and other authors of the literature of the Soviet underground has revived in Kolomna. Artists Pavel and Anton Yakushev presented the exhibition “Heavy Illumination”, created based on the poem “Moscow-Petushki”.
At an exhibition in Astrakhan - an artist from Italy, whose work is stored in the Vatican
03.03.2013 ASTRAKHAN. Picture Gallery named after Dogadina from March 1 invites everyone to get acquainted with the work of the Italian artist Alberto Lanteri.
Exhibition of folk artist Elchaninov in Smolensk - a new experiment
02.03.2013 SMOLENSK. During the exhibitions of famous artists in the Smolensk branch of the Union of Artists, they decided to combine two goals - to acquaint the audience with the work of painters and at the same time give them the opportunity to purchase their favorite work in a personal collection.
The exhibition "Tobolsk Autumn" warms the soul with bright colors
02.03.2013 OMSK. On March 1, the Kondraty Belov Museum opens an exhibition of two artists from Omsk. Sergey Zolnikov and Vladimir Belousov called their exhibition “Tobolsk Autumn”.
"At the source of myth" was visited by Ukrainian artist Sergey Gai
28.02.2013 KIEV. Since February 26, Sergei Gai invites people of Kiev to plunge with him into the phantasmagoric world of myths. His solo exhibition “At the Source of Myth” will be held in the Mironova Gallery for a whole month until March 26.
Oriental Gallery presents the exhibition "How are you?"
28.02.2013 MOSCOW. February 28, the opening of the comprehensive art exhibition "How are you", which was attended by 27 contemporary artists.
Japanese painting technique in Russian themes at the exhibition of Irina Levashova
27.02.2013 MOSCOW. The State Museum of the East presents the works of Irina Levashova, a recognized master of monochrome painting.