Important news 19.09.2011 06.07.2011
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Exhibitions around the world, photowire 19.09
19.09.2011 Actual review of exhibitions and auction previews from different museums in the world. At the time of publication of the material, almost all expositions are operational or open in the near future.

The stolen painting of Max Lieberman was returned to the legal heirs
12.09.2011 The painting “The Return of Tobias” (Die Heimkehr des Tobias) by German-Jewish artist Max Lieberman (1847-1935), photographed in the Berlin “Center for Judaic Studies” (Centrum Judaicum), returned to its rightful owners.

Photowire, art news review, September 04, 2011
04.09.2011 Some recent news in brief. Not all of them relate to painting, but they will certainly be interesting to art lovers.

During the terrorist attack in Oslo, paintings disappeared from the government building
03.09.2011 During the attack, buildings damaged by artists, including Munch and Dolven, were damaged.

London specialist in art history revealed the secrets of Caravaggio painting
16.08.2011 Using the new possibilities of producing glass and optics, admiring the light, as we do today, Caravaggio found a way to make realistic copies of the paintings that the camera obscura designed on the wall.

ArtMatch iPhone App - Quick Access to
14.08.2011 Inc, the world’s leading online provider of wall art, has announced a special iPhone app called ArtMatch ™, which allows art lovers to study, share and shop art directly on

Sotheby’s announced record sales figures in the first half of 2011
10.08.2011 Sotheby’s announced the results of its activities for the second quarter and the first half, which ended June 30, 2011. For three and six months, Sotheby’s net profit, when compared with the previous year, increased by 48% and 54% to $ 127.2 million and $ 129.7 million, respectively.

Russian icons discovered in Egypt
08.08.2011 Researchers believe the unique climate of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt has become a leading factor that has helped preserve the precious treasury. Russian icons and artifacts for the liturgy, recently discovered in the monastery of St. Catherine.

Both versions of "Madonna in the Rocks" by Leonardo will be together for the first time
01.08.2011 British National Gallery and The louvre museum announced the start of a unique collaboration in which both versions of Madonna in the Rocks first appear together.

San Francisco arrested man stealing Picasso’s drawing
13.07.2011 A New Jersey native who tried to repeat the Thomas Crown scam was detained by police in a hotel apartment in Napa County.

A collector from Luxembourg requires $ 6.5 million for fake Russian paintings
10.07.2011 The Manhattan painting gallery took $ 9.6 million from the buyer for overvalued and fake Russian paintings. The European has filed a lawsuit in federal court and now claims 6.5 million back.

Discovered "Savior of the world" brush Leonardo, for centuries considered missing
08.07.2011 The painting of Leonardo da Vinci, which was lost many centuries ago, was identified jointly by experts from the USA and Europe. The masterpiece will be exhibited at the London National Gallery, as part of the exhibition Leonardo , which will open on November 9, reports the website

Picasso drawing stolen from Weinstein gallery in San Francisco
07.07.2011 A well-dressed man in sunglasses did not attract any attention when he walked to the Weinstein Gallery in San Francisco. And he soon left, taking with him a drawing of Pablo Picasso, which is estimated at more than $ 200,000.

Google and the Getty Center made an art guide
07.07.2011 The Google Goggles smartphone app , among other things, allows you to take a picture of a bottle of wine and quickly find out if it costs $ 10 or $ 100. Thanks to the collaboration of application developers with the Getty Museum, users can get information about hundreds of paintings in the museum’s collection.

The Louvre declined to lend Mona Lisa to Italy
06.07.2011 The attempt to return the painting "Mona Lisa" from France to Italy, at least for a short time, was not supported by the leadership Louvre Museum .