Press-releases 04.12.2019 03.12.2019
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The State Film Fund provides cinemas with 20 films about the Great Patriotic War free of charge
04.12.2019 On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, together with the Russian Military Historical Society and the State Film Fund of Russia, is launching a special media projectThe goal of the project is to provide 20 cinema films in DCP format about the Great Patriotic War for free and commercial screenings to Russian cinemas for free.
POLISH Vanguard
03.12.2019 12/05/2019 at 19:00.
Personal exhibition of Kansky Konstantin "Shadow for the sun"
03.12.2019 From December 6 to December 17, 2019, the Luna Gallery will host a solo exhibition by the Krasnodar artist Konstantin Kansky, “Shadow for the Sun”.
Exhibition "World of Theater"
03.12.2019 Today, artistic thought is characterized by pronounced theatricality. Contemporary art exhibitions strive for scenic forms, for the emergence of a special dramaturgy, manifested as a theater.
"(Not) time for love"
03.12.2019 The stories of lovers who survived the Holocaust, and the work of Boltanski, Balka, Landau, Rovner and other contemporary artists as a phenomenon of memorial culture.
Pastel Exhibition "Between Line and Color"
03.12.2019 December 13-16, 2019 the Exposed art center will host the exhibition “Between Line and Color,” organized by the National Union of Pastelists.
Christmas music box
03.12.2019 12/24/2019 at 19:00 On the eve of Catholic Christmas, we invite music lovers to a festive concert that brought together young musicians from Japan, Serbia and Russia. Maestro Kenichi Shimura will stand behind the conductor’s console. The program of the evening includes popular classical and pop works, favorite childhood tunes and the music of distant China.
Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff
03.12.2019 On December 17 at 19:00 in the Concert Hall of Jaani Kirik, masterpieces of world classics will be heard - favorite works of great Russian composers.
Opera "Don Juan"
03.12.2019 December 19 at 19.00.
03.12.2019 On December 15, 2019, the StPetersburg Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Sergey Stadler will celebrate its sixth birthday with a concert in Mikhailovsky Castle. This year, the audience will be transferred to one of the most musical cities in the world - Vienna.
Exhibition "Flower Symphony of Pavlovo Posad Shawl"
03.12.2019 The Russian Academy of Arts is presenting a viewing exhibition, The Flower Symphony of Pavlovoposad Shawl, dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the Russian folk art craft enterprise Pavlovoposad Shawl Manufactory OJSCThe exhibition will provide a collection of shawls created by manufactory artists from the 1870s to the present.
Exhibition "Galina Kurochkina-Domashenko. Graphics"
03.12.2019 December 4 at 16.00 in the Gallery of Siberian Art (Karl Marx St., 23) will open the exhibition of the famous Siberian master of graphic art Galina Kurochkina-Domashenko (1939-1984), dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the author.
Exhibition and Sale "ART Yekaterinburg"
03.12.2019 The project will bring together more than a hundred artists and artisans from different cities of Russia and the worldThe traditional and beloved by the townspeople project "ART Yekaterinburg" this year will please a large number of participants. The works of artists will be presented in various directions: painting and graphics, sculpture and plastic, art photography.
Exhibition project "The nature of binary"
03.12.2019 Starting December 1, the Nagornaya gallery of the Moscow Exhibition Halls exhibition will host the exhibition The Nature of Binarity, which was attended by young Russian artistsThe project is being implemented with financial support from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation as part of the All-Russian Forum of Youth Creative Workshops “ART Workshop XXI”.
Exhibition-fair ART fix price
03.12.2019 ART fix price is an art fair where value is higher than price! With us more than 80 artists and more than a thousand new works! Canvases and canvases, drawings, prints, pastels, etchings, monotypes, ceramics, sculptures, art objects and what cannot be attributed so far :)