Press-releases 07.05.2019 07.05.2019
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Lecture by Maria Nesterenko "On ghouls and evil spirits at Gogol"
07.05.2019 On May 14 at 19:00 in the Lecture Hall of the Museum of Moscow, as part of the parallel program for the exhibition “Gogol in Moscow”, a lecture by Maria Nesterenko “On ghouls and evil spirits at Gogol” will be held.
Exhibition "We Live and Remember" for Victory Day
07.05.2019 May 7 at 16.00 in the main building of the Irkutsk Art Museum (Lenin St., 5) opens the exhibition “We Live and Remember”, dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
Exhibition "Warrior, Veteran Pavel Georgievich Pogodaev. Memory is Alive"
07.05.2019 May 7 at 12.00 in the Estate V.P. Sukachev in the framework of the long-term project “Memory is Alive” opens the exhibition “Warrior, Veteran Pavel Georgievich Pogodaev”.
Vienna myth, or Legends of the classic operetta
07.05.2019 May 29, 19:00.
Protestant Chorale from Luther to Bach
07.05.2019 May 23, 19:00.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Piano sonatas
07.05.2019 May 16, 19:00.
"Night of the museums." The Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin
07.05.2019 Program
School of london
07.05.2019 DISCUSSIONS.
"Everywhere life." Exhibition of works by Konstantin Batynkov in the MVK RAX
07.05.2019 The Russian Academy of Arts and the Krokin Gallery present an exhibition of works by Konstantin Batynkov “Everywhere Life”.
Exhibition of paintings and graphics by Maxim Morgunov "Tree of Life"
07.05.2019 Gallery "Ts", 1st floor.
Exhibition of Graphics and Sculpture by Elizabeth and Denis Donchenko "Labyrinths of the Mind"
07.05.2019 Gallery "Business Art", 3rd floor 16+
Exhibition of the artist Lyudmila Beresneva and composer Yegor Lipin "Dualism"
07.05.2019 Gallery “Ul. Bolshaya Handicraft ", 4th floor 12+
Exhibition of collages and posters by Sergei Nekhaev "Points for distance"
07.05.2019 Lecture Corner Gallery, 2nd floor.
Street Art Exhibition "Reverse Side"
07.05.2019 Designclub Gallery, 2nd floor.