Press-releases 24.08.2018 24.08.2018
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Visions of Alfrid Shaimardanov
24.08.2018 The Creative Union of Russian Artists invites you to the Lavrushinsky 15 art exhibition hall of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts for a personal exhibition of paintings by Alfrid Shaimardanov, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the memory of the outstanding Georgian artist of a naive trend, Niko Pirosmani (1862 - 1918).
Tadashi Kawamata. On Bird Rights / Para-site Project
24.08.2018 The Pushkin MuseumAlexander Pushkin, in the framework of the Pushkin XXI direction, presents the first site-specific installation of contemporary Japanese artist Tadashi Kawamata’s “On Bird Rights / Para-site Project” in Russia. Using materials found during the analysis of the old buildings of the Museum Quarter, Tadashi Kawamata will create installation directors resembling nests in the permanent exhibition space and in the office.
Exhibition of works by Valery Bashinin. To the 75th anniversary of the artist
24.08.2018 In the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts (Prechistenka 21), an exhibition of works by the honored artist of the Russian Federation, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts Valery Viktorovich Bashenin will take place.
Exhibition "Avant-garde, which was not"
24.08.2018 On August 30, at 18-30, the Perm Art Gallery will host the opening of the exhibition "The Vanguard That Was Not There". The exposition is dedicated to a vivid, but not completely meaningful phenomenon in the artistic life of Perm - unofficial art of the period 1960-2008.
The exhibition "I am called to praise the steppe ...". On the 85th anniversary of the foundation of the Union of Artists of Buryatia
24.08.2018 On August 23 at 16.00 in the Gallery of Siberian Art (KMarx St., 23) an exhibition of artists of Buryatia "I am called to steppe to sing..." dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the republican branch of the Union of Artists of Russia opens. The exposition for the first time in full demonstrates a collection of Buryat art of the Irkutsk Art Museum, as well as the work of contemporary authors of Buryatia from their workshops.
Exhibition "Ilya Repin"
24.08.2018 August 24 at 16-00 in the Information, educational and exhibition center of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 103, first floor) will be the grand opening of the exhibition "Ilya Repin" from the collection of the State Russian Museum.
Exhibition of works by Arsen Gushapsh
24.08.2018 Arsen Gushapsha - sculptor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts, member of the Union of Artists of Russia, TSHR.
Exhibition "Alexey Zhabsky. Fate on Canvas"
24.08.2018 Personal exhibition A.AZhabsky (1933-2008) presents a collection of the author’s works donated to ROSIZO by the widow of master L.M. Zhabsky in the year of the 85th anniversary of the artist. This collection, consisting of 146 works, most fully demonstrates the periods of creativity of an outstanding Russian artist, which distinguishes himself among other museum collections of works by this author.
Variations on Jazz Themes
24.08.2018 On September 20, 2018, the second exhibition from the EAST MEETS WEST GALLERY cycle “Music Everywhere” entitled “Variations on Jazz Themes” will open at the ARTPLAY Design Center.
Exhibition "Ainu. The Mysterious World"
24.08.2018 August 23 at 18.30 in the Perm Gallery exhibition opens "Ainu. The Mysterious World ”is a project of the Omsk Museum of Fine Arts dedicated to one of the most ancient peoples of the Far East.
24.08.2018 September 30, 3 p.m.
24.08.2018 September 30, 12:00.
24.08.2018 September 27, 18:00.
24.08.2018 September 26, 16:00.
24.08.2018 September 23, 18:00.