Press-releases 06.06.2018 06.06.2018
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Exhibition of masters of Mongolia "Bronze deer"
06.06.2018 June 1 at 16.00 in the Gallery of Siberian Art (ul. Karl Marx, 23) exhibition of masters from Mongolia "Bronze deer" opens.
Operetta Bat
06.06.2018 June 6 at 19.00.
"Young talents in arts and crafts"
06.06.2018 June 1 at 16-30 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 103) will open the exhibition of the Kaluga Regional Center for Folk Art "Young Talents in Decorative and Applied Arts".
"Gorokhovets is a living legend." Exhibition of works by V.S. Bubela Maslova
06.06.2018 in the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts (Prechistenka, 21), an exhibition of works by academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Veronika Sergeevna Bubela-Maslova will be held.
Exhibition of paintings and relief "Wednesday", 6+
06.06.2018 Gallery “Ul. Big Craft. "
Exhibition of paintings by Peter Gamayunov "Russia and the enchanting Baikal", 6+
06.06.2018 Gallery "Workshop of the artist."
Exhibition of paintings and graphics "End of the World", 6+
06.06.2018 Gallery "Corner".
Exhibition of paintings and drawings by Viktor Borisov "The Magic of Motion", 16+
06.06.2018 Gallery "Business Art".
Exhibition of paintings and graphics by Armen Zakharyan "Message", 16+
06.06.2018 Gallery Design Club.
Exhibition of paintings and drawings by Evgenia Kondratieva "Once ...", 6+
06.06.2018 Gallery “Ul. Malevich. "
Exhibition by Sergei Isipov, "Roads of my intersection"
06.06.2018 Gallery "Current". 10+
"The Way to 100 Years"
06.06.2018 June 7 at 16.00 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 104, Exhibition Hall) will be the grand opening of the historical and art exhibition "Way to 100 years", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts.
Exhibition Lisa Storm "Family Values"
06.06.2018 From June 13 to 23, Liza Storm’s interactive exhibition “Family Values” together with the Retrolooks project will be presented in the Nest workshopIn the art space of an old apartment in the center of Moscow, guests will be able to discover the secrets of the origin of Jewish surnames, hear the stories of different families associated with them, get acquainted with things from the everyday life of the twentieth century, brought from Europe, America and different parts of Russia.
The exhibition "What will grow out of this?" Alexandra Ivoylova
06.06.2018 On June 6, an exhibition of paintings and graphic works by Alexandra Ivoylova “What will grow out of this?” Opens at the gallery “On Kashirka” of the Association “Exhibition Halls of Moscow”
International photo contest "Football 2018. Life and Game". Final photo exhibition
06.06.2018 June 6 at 18.30 in the gallery "On Kashirka" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" will open a photo exhibition based on the results of the international photo contest "Football 2018. Life and Game", dedicated to the World Cup 2018.